Is it allowed to use First Watt name and logo on DIY builds?

Hi all. I read some comment that Nelson Pass allowes DIYers to use First Watt name on their builds. Is that true?
Can somebody give a refference to this permission and/or some usage rules?
Could Mr. Pass himself comment on that (if we are lucky)?

Even if you build just one amp for yourself, you probably want it to have a nice logo on its front panel. Isn't that true? But we all know that most of us build much more amps than we need (or have space for). And sooner or later some of them change hands (offten at a price below the parts cost, I suppose). But we all want the amplifiers we give birth to have a nice name and honorably display their "breed" to the world.

What can we really engrave on the front panel to give honour to Mr. Pass and to show to everyone how good is the amplifier they are looking at and listening to?

I attach a picture with some examples. Are all these OK?
1st line, I think, is OK.
2nd line looks awesome! And could still be OK if we are allowed to use Fist Watt logo.
3rd line probably crosses the line and is NOT OK. Or is it?

I also attach a picture with original First Watt by Nelson Pass logo for reference.

What do you think?


  • M2X logo variants.png
    M2X logo variants.png
    98.3 KB · Views: 1,396
  • M2 original logo.png
    M2 original logo.png
    310.6 KB · Views: 1,332
Joined 2019
Paid Member
You're kind to ask.

Basic rules -

Don't try to sell it as an authentic First Watt product.
Don't sell it "for profit" even without a logo. The circuit is protected IP also.

Clearly you would not do either, or you wouldn't have asked. :D

Carry on.

FWIW - I really like the one in the upper right.

If Papa chimes in otherwise, I'll stand corrected with apologies.

Edited to add - MR knows much more than I. Follow his advice. Leaving mine up just to show my error in thinking. :D
I have never felt a desire to print name on my builds but when I built the ACA there was already name on the DiyAudio Store kit chassis: "Pass ACA Class A Amplifier".
So I guess "Pass M2X Class A Amplifier" would be ok to put on as Pass is also mentioned on M2X amp PCBs. I don't think the FirstWatt name should be no Company name mentioned.....would be my opinion.
Thanks Michael and Patrick!

@Patrick - Your 2 rules are golden! Absolutelly!
Myself, I like the 3rd one in the 1st row too.
I am going to build F5 and Aleph J next year to add to my M2X, all in the same style 4U chassis, so I would like to see which is which ;)

@Michael - Why not good at all? I think at least the first one should be absolutery fine - different font, no First Watt name nor logo, Pass DIY is the initiative encouraging to make more of FW clones into the world, isn't it?

So that's why I asked - I think it's important to know where the limit is.
Everyone could do it by their own honor code, of course. But often we do have community agreed social rules. I recon it would be good for all to have something "official" here too :)

Kind regards!
Hi all,

interesting question. Did it similar to Batty, without having any F3 or similar on it. In addition I'd never sell any of my amps so far (ask my wife :D), but before touching any rights, I'd prefer to remove the logo or add something like "Designed by" plus "DIY-Edition" to it, to make it clear.

Sometimes it feels like riding on the edge between clearly naming who has invented it (in that case definetely not me ...) and making it too close to the original one.

Just in case: Is there a clear picture of the "Pass DIY"-Sticker anywhere?
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I think from a strictly "marketing" point of view it can only be an advantage for the FW brand if DIY'er put it on their own builds to display at home. Then when there are visitors they look and ask.....what it that....then maybe they goggle FW and find the FW-page and read about it......and of the visitors.....he might just buy a "real" FW-amp.....and maybe with advise from the DIY'er which one to get.
MEPER, this is exactly what I think - Nelson puts First Watt designs into the hands of DIYers only when he has already sold his original production quantities (was it 100 units?), and the models we make are not available from First Watt anymore, and will never be.

And putting original First Watt logo on DIY builds (*provided it is clearly shown that this is a DIY build*) should not harm First Watt sales of the current models, but only promote it, spark the interest, increase the recognition of the brand and let people know how generous Nelson Pass is giving away his ingenious circuits for everyone to enjoy.

But this is only my point of view. I secretly wish that Papa himself will give us his terse but clear point of view in his "Joda-speach" style ;) Chistmas is a good time for wishes... Miracle time... Let's wait and see :)

In my country, and I think the whole Europe, you are allowed to make fake items for your own use. So you can make a Coca Cola bottle, put your own brewing in it, drink it. As long it is for personal use, and don’t sell or give it away. As long it stays in your home you are allowed to make perfect copies from everything. If you try to sell it, the fines are very high, even jail time.