Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

.....The compromise you prefer? What sort of listenning experience do you like? neutrality, coherence, warmth, lively but sometime agressive if the record is, big and spatial image, close or far listenning, subrealistic, realistic or overrealistic etc!.?
I know that lots of people who read this would like to say that it's **** and that all perfectly flat equalized systems soud the same but f..k to there ego...
I hope you feel what I mean (I work my english) ;)

My desire is highest level honesty or neutrality I can achieve...I only sit in the sweet spot, 1m.
My desire is highest level honesty or neutrality I can achieve...I only sit in the sweet spot, 1m.
Vc08's post put the whole thing quite well, the only real consensus is that the off axis should be smooth. The HvDiff looks fairly smooth in simulation and you have some reasonable CD waveguides in the JBL's so the only way to know which you like best in your situation is to try them and see for yourself.

Your situation is different to most due to how close you will be listening, so you will be in a predominantly near field position where the direct sound will be dominant.

It will be difficult to extrapolate someone else's opinion on a different distance and who knows whether that opinion is based on experience, measurement or something they read on a forum written by someone else who read it on a forum... ;)
1)At 50:38 while the screen says the New Diaphragm has a 125mm diameter voice coil with 7.2 cc volume displacement and 1mm peak displacement, he verbally says that is "equivalent to a very, very big dome, it's I think equivalent to around about a 4" dome diaphragm, so it can move a lot of air".

Domes have a suspension that allows the entire dome to move as a piston, while an annular diaphragm the center can move X distance (about 1mm) while the two outer edges are "pinned", no movement. No simple equation will actually figure it's displacement, even if the Sd and excursion are known, though for Hornresp, you could just as well figure a 4" dome at 1mm excursion..

The 7.2cc displacement claimed for the Axi2050 would be the equivalent of a 99mm (4") dome (piston) moving about .93mm, which sounds reasonable, as that is a bit under the full 1 way excursion possible for a typical 4" diaphragm before the diaphragm hits the phase plug.

Going to a 111mm (5.25") at .75mm stroke gives a similar displacement, though I don't know of any dome diaphragms of that size.

At any rate, a single diaphragm producing 300 to 20kHz at full excursion won't sound as good as it would if excursion was reduced to a fraction of that by raising the crossover an octave, or splitting the range between two diaphragms.


Thanks for clearing that up Weltersys

Any opinion on Bracing? The 15" box I envision a cpl of almost full length boards, running the full width of the inside, spaced evenly, with on run of vertical board down the middle...

The Sub box, looks to be pretty rigid already...

If the strongest vibrational forces run the same direction as the firing of the diaphragm, then bracing should reflect that correct?

I could see U shaped run of top to bottom vertically place board splitting the cabinet in two, and from there, A horizontal run of board splitting the top from the kinda like a Cross or a Plus sign that is stretched and turned into a U.

What do you guys think?


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What is your listening distance? Maximum dimensions of horn?
Do you have any dsp and/or EQ and/or time alignement possibility?
More subjective...What kind of record do you listen to (treble content...quite "focus" or not)?

Listening Distance is 1 meter

Dsp has approximately 16 parametric, minimum phase per driver plus crossover filters and time alignment (PIP-USP3)

All genres, Rap, Rock, Classical, Jazz, Dubstep, EDM, Movies, Video games... you name it...

For mix/mastering purposes, I sit near-field as in 1 meter, for movies, I have a couch putting me at ~2.2meters

Docali and Don k helped me develop a horn called the HVdiff


This horn, I believe, has the potential to check all boxes.
Does anyone know the formula to predict beam-width vs distance!? I tried this
but my calculator don't like it...I probably need to translate degrees into something besides 15...
This horn was designed around a 200hz crossover. This horn has to be my lonesome, so in the mean time I've bought a jbl 2380a and 2386 to experiment with but am open to more ideas. A low crossover is needed to keep KA low enough for nearfield but there is a some room for play. The AXi2050 seems to be able to play as low as intended even in a waveguide. The gross of my experience with horns is an Altec clone using 511 horns... I understand that some horns beam, and as long as I get the full spectrum in the sweet spot, I am content. I am after the most neutral presentation, and it seems that sweet spot size is secondary and that
the only real consensus is that the off axis should be smooth.
. I have plenty of opinions on this but I'm anxious to hear yours.


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Does anyone know how the gaskets on The AE drivers are meant to be used? The bolt head meant to go on top of the gasket? Are you guys even using the gaskets?

I used the gaskets. Why woudn't you? They fit and seal nicely and are soft enough to provide a modicum of isolation, especially if you also isolate the bolt heads from the driver frame with a (reasonably hard but not too hard) rubber washer.
if horns are at 1 meter from ears, could it be not better to use slot horn but flipped 90°...

I think about some 60°x20° horn which could be hijacked from their initial use. 20° is maybe more important horizontaly at close distance than vertically ? but if mixing console ?

Slot horn...For the compression driver?

I used the gaskets. Why woudn't you? They fit and seal nicely and are soft enough to provide a modicum of isolation, especially if you also isolate the bolt heads from the driver frame with a (reasonably hard but not too hard) rubber washer.

Why wouldn't I? I have no idea, but I was smart enough to ask lol! What type of bolt did you use?
yes a slot horn fliped at 90° cause you are at 1 m only ? to have 20° horizontaly and lightly fliped towards the earsto cross in front of your face ? Dunno is the 90° vertical is harming less though ? I have often stupid ideas...

Please don't say you have stupid ideas. This thread takes so many different twist and turns, you'd be surprised. Even though I've stayed true to my original idea, I have also entertained, thoroughly, many alternatives... Do you have an example of the type of horn you speak of?
One meter is nothing...good thread for those with big rooms and far listening positions.

At 1m you can put the axi on a flat baffle with a couple inches of foam on the surface crossed at 200hz and still have plenty of spl with minimal room interactions.

You need to get these puppies fired up and stop with the simulations/over-thought.
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