Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

campo, if I were you, I definitely would consider soffit mount for this kind of serious large monitors. I haven't done it, but I always want to do it... The work itself would be simple, butI have to empty the room before doing it. Have you ever read soffit threads at Johnsayers?

No, but I agree that soffit mount is the one the best options. I tried to build looking future forward though I intend to try this at near field, It should have enough output for far field. I'd like to think that one day I will own a house where I can build a room specifically for my audio task's and pleasure. Soffit mount would definitely be the way to go.

I didn't try a mock directivity model for the horn...was more interested in if I could make a decent looking crossing. Looks ok I guess. With the low pass shelf to create a flat response on the 350hz tractrix and a 381hz 2nd order LR the excursion remains very low even near 115dbit peaks around 0.12mm....

This is the unequalized response I got for 350hz tractrix but I don't know how correct it is.


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Mitch, as you undoubtedly know, this is true for many oldskool drivers, but not necessarily for modern designs.
The beam width in the top octave is primarily defined by the phase-plug and - if present - the the angle of the conical section.

Here's an example of a 3" diaphragm, 2" exit driver mounted on a short(ened) horn. The driver's exit angle is 34.7°.

Hi Rob, wow, that is impressive response in the top octave! What CD is that?

Kind regards,
i had sort of the same goal as the op. i found some used TAD drivers locally, a pair of 4001 and a pair of 1601b, and put them back together with 5 cu. ft. cabs. i've been trying them out with the ports stuffed, but eventually i will add tuned ports, something in the 30-35 hz range.

minidsp nanodigi 2x8 outputs to 2 DACs, 2W SET for the high end, and a crown XLS 1502 on the woofers. 800 hz xover. the tube amp rolls off a ton on the high end, so i EQ'd most of the treble back in (though the 4001 still rolls off pretty strong at 15 khz, though i'm also using a no name 60x40 fiberglass horn, not the TAD design), and gave it a bass boost as well to taste. i'm getting basically full range playback from that setup: roll-off occurs right at 28 hz, as Fs would indicate, and i still have decent response down to 20hz. it doesn't rattle things the way a home theater sub will, but i like the bass response. i have to imagine the distortion is way lower, the 15s barely move.