JFETs from Linear Systems

AndrewT - I'm really struggling to find an equivalent to the 2SK99A. A member of different forum gave the following K99A specs:
IG 10mA
PD 100mW x2
IDss 1.5ma to 20ma
gm 80mOhm min (VDS=10V f-1kHz) that's a problem, usually such double FET in same package gives a MIN of 15mOhm not 80...
Asking help from collective wisdom of diyaudio community

Bringing together parts for my F5 build; as the diyaudio store is stock out for the matched JFET LSK170/LSJ74 pairs, I happened to order the pack/8 piece versions but all in A grade, learnt only after that I needed to get B grades.
Would it be possible to build an F5 with A grade Jfets? If yes what would be the compromise vs. the B grades?
Many thanks
Hi, good morning from Germany.
My question, i would build a F5 TV3 with 8 transistors per rail.
Mr Pass wrote in the manual, in this case we must double the SJ74/Sk170 for stable operation.
Can i use one c oder d grade for this, or must i use a pair of B?

Kind regards
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I wonder they still seem to be unable to produce significant quantities of those parts in a timely manner?

Without going into too much detail: The amount of available parts = (production cycle duration * yield of parts from the fabrication process that meet all specifications, for each grade) - demand for each grade.

Speeding up the cycle, refining the fab process to create more yield of the spec most in demand, would resolve the situation, and I hear they are working on both angles.