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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

Can this filter work with ak4399 ?

I built my last JG today for use with an I2SOverUSB XMOS/AK4396 stack. I've been playing around with the best possible performance for a reasonable cost in a slimline case. I built a few Salas BIB's to power the USB/Reclocker/DAC. AK just has a reconstruction filter on it, but even with that it sounded pretty darn good.

Just needed a bit more slam, sparkle, etc. Enter the JG. Power is modest (using a 'Wire' bipolar PS), but it really elevated the AK in this stack to the point where I'm good casing it up. If I had the room, I probably couldn't resist a a couple of Sala's to power the JG. :) It never ends.

It's amazing to me how far things have come in the last couple of years. My first BII with an exaU2I didn't handle DSD, and cost me ~$1,000 - with basic TP power supplies, etc.

All in, I probably have <$500 into to this DAC, which is half the size, handles DSD and frankly sounds better (no slam on TP; solid kit).

I ramble. Short story - JG worked very well with this AK.
Finished my first JG Filter Buffer today and have it working with a temporary supply comprised of AA batteries. This was my first real SMD soldering job (with the tiny stuff), and it works like a charm.
I am using it piggy back-style after my Audiosector DAC (one of the latest with Bobken reg and full BG treatment) and as said powered by +- 9.75V of batteries for the moment. Next will be to build a nice battery supply with integrated charger to supply +-14.4V .
Soundwise it is a very noticeable step up... I am an only headphones guy and am doing my listening with a modded HD800. Music with the filter buffer has a lot more energy in it, tiny details are rendered like little acoustic events in a 3D space (for lack of better words) and realism in general is improved by a good margin.
I only had about 1 hour of listening so far but listening to some piano jazz (Lyle Mays: Lincoln reviews his notes) was simply stunning!


  • JGB-1.jpg
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I hope that your transformer layout is only temporary.
You should not stack them on top of each other.
At least side by side with some distance in between.

Also suggest you twist the signal wires a bit more to make them tightly twisted.
The length is so short that capacitance is no issue.
Otherwise very nice build.


Hoho guys... a few words to your comments. ;)

Patrick, I am deeply sorry but the transformer arrangement is permanent. This is my Aikido parafeed headphone amp that is making music (quite nice) since around 2010 in this configuration. The toroids supply HV and about 2800mA of heater power. No issues whatsoever with heat or otherwise... but I am hearing your words. I don't do it gain... promised!

The preamp was an early effort... I can do much better... blush.

And once I have the battery supply (along what you suggested) all wires will be nicely twisted. I was just itching to hear the filter buffer so rigged it up quickly.
Quote Joachim: "man is the little sucker slamming..." :D)

@hochopeper: yes, that's the Audiosector DAC in Amboina and perspex... thank you!

Happy Chrismas to you all!
Hoho guys... a few words to your comments. ;)

Patrick, I am deeply sorry but the transformer arrangement is permanent. This is my Aikido parafeed headphone amp that is making music (quite nice) since around 2010 in this configuration. The toroids supply HV and about 2800mA of heater power. No issues whatsoever with heat or otherwise... but I am hearing your words. I don't do it gain... promised!

The preamp was an early effort... I can do much better... blush.

And once I have the battery supply (along what you suggested) all wires will be nicely twisted. I was just itching to hear the filter buffer so rigged it up quickly.
Quote Joachim: "man is the little sucker slamming..." :D)

@hochopeper: yes, that's the Audiosector DAC in Amboina and perspex... thank you!

Happy Chrismas to you all!
I don't know of any harm to reliability, nor performance by "stacking" toroid transformers.

The classic 3phase versions are always stacked and that's by the manufacturers !