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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

Here is a question about using the JG Filter buffer in balanced mode.

I would like to buffer each phase with one channel of the buffer, with a transformer coming after the buffer for unbalancing. Here is my question: Do I need to terminate the buffer to ground (let´s say with a 100k resistor from each phase-output to ground) to get a fixed ground reference?

I am missing the usual output resistor to ground and wonder if it is necessary in this design.

Thank you
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Great! Sent an inquiry in early December, was patient as I know he's swamped. Been there, done that!

Am I correct in my understanding that the current Filter-Buffer boards are a little different from the original ones? I have one of the originals and wanted to get another to use for a balanced-output setup... will one original and one current be sufficiently matched to each other?


Greg in Mississippi