John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Cool. I only have scans of the article.

The most important note of all to the waveforms. The "error" is the classic error of ignoring the collapse of the magnetic field of the wire when a signal is abruptly changed. I see this error committed by many rather good test engineers who have years of experience. To see that Hawksford succumed to the same error just means he's human..


John, here is the example of magnetic field interference influence.


  • interference.pdf
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Also, the Hawksford distortion was emulated in MathCad. Same approximate results.

Yep. Even though penetration of the signal normal to the wave propagation ends up with dissipation and no residual, and the fact that the transport current magnetic field internal to the wire was ignored as was the magnetic field internal to the conductors, and that the inductive snap was a consequence of abrupt discontinuity of the sine wave into an inductor, the fact that a flawed analysis (-1) looked like a flawed test (-1) clearly meand that since the product of the two is +1, it must be correct.

He should have compared his analysis to that of the wire inductance using the terman equation. That third term in terman? Internal storage.

It makes-me remember, in France, this fashion for a conducting liner rubber band that hung behind the car, rubbing on the ground. It was designed to eliminate static charges,

I remember from when dino's roamed the earth...Ford used some kind of steel pokey thingy to bleed off static charge caused by tribo buildup...but because they were losing wheel bearings. Seemed the discharge arcs were pitting the wheel bearing rollers and killing them.

It's a no-brainer.

Well then I'm good for that..genetically predisposed to no brain as it were...;)

I only hope M. H. had not done this intentionally to mystify the readers.
I suspect he had no intention of that. I believe it was an error of opportunity.

Shame on you, Jneutron. You don't have any respect for the star system. You will have no luck to be a member of AES.

Sigh...always doomed to the cheap seats...oh well..

PMA, would you tell Scott, that I agree that YOUR model of the CTC Blowtorch line stage is adequate for criticism re FM distortion?
Do YOU, PMA, see any potential problems with FM distortion with that circuit? Ron and I can't as yet.
The world is flat. Testing this proposition is dangerous cos you might fall off the edge.

However, JC has Hirata tested Blowtorch. Well done JC :) Now you can enhance Blowtorch's and your reputation by reporting the results.

Next, conducting Ron Quan's test will confound the disbelievers.

Can you tell us specifics of Ron's objections to Blowtorch?

Does his test pick up that you coiled the wiring the wrong way when you aged it?

How about conducting these tests thought important by various gurus rather than pontificating ?

You have the equipment. You know the experts who can guide you. They are eager to help.

Or is the anodising of Blowtorch front panel the next really important topic? :D I meant the paint colour ...
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All this voodoo stuff that clutters the shelves of electronic audio is based on pseudo-scientific arguments lying on some analogy.

It isn't voodoo at all to those who evaluate anything and everything only by their audible impact on the sound of the setup. I never read publications, I only listen.

Possibly, people whose hearing isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before the see 'evidence' by measurements, consider it voodoo.
That's my mother tongue, Czech language :D

Ah, ok..

What do the waveforms depict? I was not able to figure it out.

Why was Hawksford looking for 'distortion' in a linear time-invariant system? All he seems to have done is input a wideband signal to a filter, and then appear surprised that the output waveform is a different shape from the input waveform. Duh!

He was attempting to show that there was a residual energy remaining in the wire and that it affected the signal at the far end. So he worked the equations for signal penetration normal to the surface of the wire, assumed that that penetrating energy was available to come out of the conductor to show up at the load, simulated a response assuming that energy was not dissipated, then created a test fixture to try to duplicate what he derived.

His test uses the abrupt termination of a sine. As Scott pointed out, that carries with it a lot of harmonics. As I've pointed out, any wire's magnetic field will be lagging the voltage drive, so abruptly turning off the drive at zero intercept does so prior to zero magnetic field. He saw the collapsing field driven voltage and assumed it was his residual.

It isn't voodoo at all to those who evaluate anything and everything only by their audible impact on the sound of the setup. I never read publications, I only listen.

Possibly, people whose hearing isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before the see 'evidence' by measurements, consider it voodoo.

I thinks it's validating the garbage-physics by listening that he is complaining about.
Ah, ok..

What do the waveforms depict? I was not able to figure it out.

Fig. 2 (Obr.2) is a measurement of dB/dt during short circuit test of the HV circuit breaker, measured with a shielded loop probe.

Fig. 3 is a measurement of short circuit current with badly shielded fiber optic transmitter/receiver. The effect is very similar to the iron tube over coaxial cable, that I mentioned few posts ago. The measurement shows effect of magnetic field to insufficiently shielded electronic circuits of the transmitter.

Fig. 4 is a measurement of short circuit current with properly shielded fiber optic transmitter/receiver.
Does anyone have a copy of the Audio magazine article by Greiner about cables? I recall I was slightly irritated by his not disclosing details of some super-special differential amp used in his tests. But one of the conclusions iirc was that keeping speaker cables short was a good idea. In any event, ultimately he was convinced that everything he noted was well-explained by standard classical electrodynamics.
This sounds very much like what we did in Absolute Listening Tests - Further Progress and it looks like we agree with him.

Much better to test, both Listening as well as measurement, than to pseudo pontificate on 10e-16 effects or the colour of cables. Du.uuh! :eek: Did I get that right?

Of course certain people will test and then declare the tests rubbish when their stuff is shown up as bad.
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Joshua_G said:
Possibly, people whose hearing isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before the see 'evidence' by measurements, consider it voodoo.
Possibly, people whose understanding isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before they 'hear' evidence by some combination of sight and sound, consider it mere engineering.
Oh, by the way guys. My t-line application and analysis is not the worst case delay, it is the best case. When my analysis comes up with a 10 uSec delay as a result of line to load mismatch, it cannot be any lower than that.

speedy and df are pointing out the error of neglecting R and G...they are in fact accurate in what they say, but let's look at the impact, shall we?

I have shown that when the line is much higher in impedance than the load, it requires many transits of the signal before the load gets to the current which the source voltage "demands".

As speedy and df point out, R and G will change the line point of fact, it makes it higher.. And the prop velocity is slower.

So, use of the additional elements increases the delay effect of the line to load mismatch. Unfortunately, it does so by making the math more difficult.

Sometimes KISS is the best principle.

Possibly, people whose hearing isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before the see 'evidence' by measurements, consider it voodoo.
Well you can test that.

If you start trying to do Blind Listening Tests at even the most primitive level, you very quickly find out who are the people "whose hearing isn't discriminating enough".

Finding the REAL golden pinnae will take you a little longer.
Possibly, people whose understanding isn't discriminating enough, or people who don't accept anything before they 'hear' evidence by some combination of sight and sound, consider it mere engineering.

It's possible.
Noting audible impacts isn't engineering – it's listening.
To me, noting audible impacts have nothing to do with understanding, or lack of understanding. I may 'understand' something and not hear anything, while I may hear things, not understanding why or how they have the audible impact they do.

When I choose components to my audio setup, I'm interested in their audible impact, regardless of whether there is, or there isn't, engineering understanding of the how and why those components have the impacts they do.

AFAIK, there is no explanation from physics or engineering to certain phenomena. For instance, I use power plugs made by Oyaide. They have plugs made of different materials and different coatings. Each plug have different sonic signature. AFAIK, there is no physical explanation for why a plug having rhodium over silver over deoxidized phosphor bronze sounds different from a plug having palladium over gold over deoxidized phosphor bronze, or עold over gold over deoxidized phosphor bronze, or palladium over platinum over beryllium copper. I don't need any physical explanation to note the sonic signature of each of those plugs, and I don't dismiss what I hear out of having no physical explanation.
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Joined 2012
Source books

Start with a book on basic E&M and work the problems. Then go back to some of those specialist texts and read them....

There is a whole series of books and subjects by the staff of Research and Education Association (REA). Mostly contains the math behind the fundementals taught in school... but practical for specfic problems to be solved. problems given, and the solutions worked out. One in the series is The Electromagnetics Problem Solver" [800 pages]. Of the many in the series which might find application for issues to understand here are: Transport Phenomena, Physics, Electronics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, electronic communications, and various books on certain math and chemistry subjects. Each about 800-1000+ pages of math solutions applied to the fundamentals of the particular field. Though topic specific, you can see over-lapps where the subjects have common area and how.... which is helpful for the larger view of things. Thx-RNM
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If you can preserve a 350pS edge after 1000 (or is that 500) transists of a 3 meter cable there might be a product there.

Not sumptin I'd worry about. I gots ta pull 800 feet of 7/8th heliax's a one inch pipe I tell ya...:eek: (didn't realize that other word was not allowed..)

I learned a long time ago the method of using a step function to determine a system's response capability. Most people get hung over the fact that I chose to use a mercury wetted relay to drive the step.. I do so because first it eliminates the possibility that the slew rate was insufficient for the task. If I am looking for microsecond delays in response, I'm not goint to use a millisecond or even a microsecond transition as a stimulus and then pick the results out of the mud. The tek109 style solution is simple, elegant, gives me up to 100 volt 350 pico transitions into 50 ohms with no problems. So it's trivial to produce 8 volt steps as a source, with brickwall output impedance for the reflections off the load, and knowing the device will support the final current of 2 amperes into the load.

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