John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Popcorn noise disappeared a long time ago about the time employees stopped smoking in fab houses ?


Still there, and gettering is still required. SOI processes require top-side gettering, a little tricky. Used to be scratching up the back or implanting argon would do it, but that is blocked by the oxide isolation.

Funny comment, my first boss chain smoked the entire day and one of the fab techs used to line up liittle butts on end all over the lab and they burnt down to the filter slowly for minutes.
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Before I lose track, I might go on about solid state amplifier problems.
By now, complementary output stages were more or less, standard. Then, Motorola made some devices that had a higher voltage breakdown. Crown stayed with quasi-complementary output, as did Phase Linear so that they could just just NPN power transistors.
The REAL problem with these newer designs was that their protection circuitry was continuous and self recovering, so that the sound quality would significantly suffer with REAL loudspeaker loads, but would not come on with rated RESISTIVE loads, so that a fair amount of power could be advertised, yet it could not really put it out with a real load.
The reason for this was that the SAFE AREA of the power transistors was continually being exceeded with reactive loads. So while increasing the power supply voltage made good specs, as far as maximum power output was concerned, the necessary protection circuits reduced the possible peak current that reactive loads required. This made a 150W into 8 ohms solid state amplifier sound less loud, before clipping than a 75W tube amp. Quite a surprise at the time. Later, in the 1970's we tried to extend the working range of solid state amps with more multiple output devices, for example, and more sophisticated V-I limiting circuits. (more later)

I, for one, enjoy your posts about the "history of solid state amps" and hope they continue.
Also, presenting the problems you found and the way you solved them is really educational.
By 1975, we had full 4 quadrant complementary differential designs being developed for home use. The biggest advantage of a balanced bridge amp, in those days, was improved safe area utilization of the output devices. Another approach was the series arrangement of output devices, developed initially by Erno Borbely, for Dyna (I think) that did much the same thing.
The problem as I previously pointed out with solid state power transistors, especially complementary ones, was their useful safe area, that was only a small percentage of its ideal potential. I mean: even 10A, 80V and 150W per device sounds like plenty, UNTIL you try to keep the amp from blowing up, even if you limit the supplies to +/- 40V, current limit 10A peak current, and use a decent heat-sink. The SECOND BREAKDOWN of the output transistors limits you to a small percentage of the actual potential of the output device. Today, it is not so bad, but 35-40 years ago, it was tough. AND, when Motorola (the dominant complementary part maker in that day) would bring out a higher voltage device, they always seriously compromised it in some other way, usually more nonlinear beta, lower F(t), and often, lower peak current. Many of the solid state power amps were made with these (compromised) devices. I never could get one to sound completely right with them, and that is why the JC-3 used older, lower voltage devices, for optimum performance.
If anyone out there really wants to see the problem graphically, then just convert the SAFE AREA GRAPH of a typical bipolar transistor from a log to a linear graph, and plot a typical load line of a resistor, and then something more capacitive or inductive as a load line. You don't have to get extreme, BUT you will find that the effective safe area is almost non-existent outside a limited range, and that is what makes protection circuits often necessary, and why they were annoyingly working a lot of the time. (more later)
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