John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Reading through the whole thing, stunning in fact almost worth the $99 to take one and show that there is probably nothing inside it.
There is nothing to see Geoclense Home Harmonizer Review, the 'active' part is the epoxy casting with mixed in ingredients......I have suspicions of what is mixed in. Yes the claims for the product are extraordinary but there is substance to people being affected adversely by EMR and 'dirty electricity' but I think the explanations for such effects are wrong, or at best misguided. By different means to the Geoclense I have had success with 'clarifying/pacifying' power in four dwellings so far, and one example included relocating the MEN earth stake away from termiticide treated ground to a garden bed 2m away. Ground radiations/earth energies is an interesting subject....anybody have ideas on detectors/meters for these 'subtle' energies ?.

I borrowed one of these (...) units from a friend of a friend. The intended purpose is to 'harmonise' the radiations from household wiring. Turns out when plugged into dual wall socket supplying any audio gear the sound changes with marked (resonant) increase in bass. Just sayin'.

Once again proving that some people will hear a difference after changing anything.
This is interesting as it shows where it starts clipping (the spectral view).


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....I do not have any "lousy" consumer amplifier here, mine are rather overdimensioned in heatsink capacity, so they have no thermal issues under any signal conditions. If the amp had problems with dynamics, I would probably recommend to throw it away.
Ok, you tried, thanks for your efforts.
Perhaps it's worth borrowing/grabbing a few typical lousy consumer amps ?.

Home - EMF Home Harmony there are hosts of these tinfoil had products.
I am worried that this Ener-Bear - EMF Home Harmony is out of stock. that means more daft parents than I had imagined.
Hmmm, ok I didn't read up much on the borrowed device I have except for the Youtube video and a quick look on the Australian web site.....some far out claims for sure. All I know is that the Geoclense plugged into a Gooptreated AC double adaptor sets a subtle 'tone' into audio gear that is also plugged into the same double I note the subjective difference with the Geocleanse, doesn't mean I like it !.

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Not every tweak sounds good always, that is what Dan is saying. In fact, some 'good sounding' tweaks can actually sound bad when other modifications to the hi fi system are made, in order to further improve the quality. For example, some Bybee inline products can sound 'wrong' with a highly adjusted quality system, either from the first, or later as other improvements are added to the system. Certainly there can be a change, but whether it is good or not depends on the overall quality of the hi fi system.
Sounds like goop...

I noticed the Theosophical Society is well established down under hosting the Electric Universe folks. Ah yes the shape changing lizard aliens that are actually ruling the world.

From a metaphysical view point, a Schumann Generator has the capacity of keeping negative entities such as succubus, incubus, reptilians and Drakonians away. They are also used by geomancers to dissolve "death imprints" (the point in a home where someone has previously died), spirit lines (which emanate from the death imprints) or to remove ghosts.
I noticed the Theosophical Society is well established down under hosting the Electric Universe folks. Ah yes the shape changing lizard aliens that are actually ruling the world.
The Society is composed of individuals united by their belief in its three Objects:

  • To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex caste or color.
  • To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science.
  • To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.
If the above charter is true and practised then I don't see a problem, it ought to be good for mankind. Evidently I haven't tried enough psychedelics to notice lizard people or aliens, I'm content to gain understanding of the real world and this includes deeper understanding of the 'fields' that we call 'electricity' and 'magnetism' and their interactions with and influence of materials and systems, man made and natural. Goopis an evolving product of that exploration into field effects and field interactions and has turned up really interesting observations and predictable effects/results that I do not have solid explanation for according to elementary level physics but does however reinforce subjective observations in audio systems like audibility of conductors, cables, connectors, dielectrics, substrates and enclosure materials. As I see it there is no 'mysticism' or 'snake oil' involved, rather its just how things work, the details of which will be explained by 'quantum mathematics' in due course.


Not every tweak sounds good always, that is what Dan is saying. In fact, some 'good sounding' tweaks can actually sound bad when other modifications to the hi fi system are made, in order to further improve the quality. For example, some Bybee inline products can sound 'wrong' with a highly adjusted quality system, either from the first, or later as other improvements are added to the system. Certainly there can be a change, but whether it is good or not depends on the overall quality of the hi fi system.
I find that different particular changes can be subjectively good or not good irrespective of the calibre of the system and the 'signature' or 'nature' of such changes is constant regardless of the 'quality' of the system. That said my changes are fundamentally different to more typical 'tweaks' that used in combination that can serve to hide or exaggerate system issues because of tweak not all systems and tweaks play nice together.

If there really were cold blooded lizard people, how would they behave?

They might try to not just hide among us, but also create doubt about their existence. Discredit those who have not just seen their true nature, but also those who might believe the reports.

They would like to become respected authorities or experts to gain what amounts to silent power.

Scott, is there a reason why you go to Florida during the cold weather? ;) !
This is interesting as it shows where it starts clipping (the spectral view).


Do you have the waveform saved so you can show the severity of clipping for the measurement?

Would it be possible with a metric on clipping, perhaps power from spectrum weighted with increasing frequency. Then multiplied with "blocking" time. Problem might be at wich powerlevel.

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