John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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I am well known in my field, and get awards for it. What about the rest of you?
I am confident there are others here who are well known in their fields and get awards for it.
And, few if any feel the need to get on forums in their field of expertise and advertise their superiority.
Many prefer to let their work speak for itself.

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... Apparently they work by activating the natural resonance of the nitrogen in the air, ... yet I cannot explain why in practical terms....
No explanation to an apparent stuff? Perhaps it is not that apparent. I wish the listening was also compared to an environment where the natural resonance of the nitrogen was well damped, not the oxygen mind you.

You bring fresh giggles to the discussion John. I rest my case. :D
No explanation to an apparent stuff? Perhaps it is not that apparent. I wish the listening was also compared to an environment where the natural resonance of the nitrogen was well damped, not the oxygen mind you.

You bring fresh giggles to the discussion John. I rest my case. :D

I would think that activating a nitrogen resonance could be lethal. Once nitrogen resonates, it can more easily slip through the lung cell membranes, loading the blood. Everybody knows what the bends are, and how bad it can be.

It's quite easy to make pseudo science up, no?
I am confident there are others here who are well known in their fields and get awards for it.
And, few if any feel the need to get on forums in their field of expertise and advertise their superiority.
Many prefer to let their work speak for itself.


Especially there is no need to "advertise superiority" at public, semi-amateur forums, in the main field. I suppose that a fashion business like high-end audio is is a different case with different rules.

I would think that activating a nitrogen resonance could be lethal.


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Originally Posted by john curl View Post
... Apparently they work by activating the natural resonance of the nitrogen in the air, ... yet I cannot explain why in practical terms....


My goodness John, I’ve some guff in my time but this Bybeelonium stuff takes the biscuit.

‘Natural resonance of Nitrogen in the air’.
I don't ever knowingly lie or mislead on this thread or any other. I have no reason to. I am well known in my field, and get awards for it. What about the rest of you? To imply that I am 'pulling people's legs' or any other similar comment is a professional insult.
Anybody who knows John or has spoken to John will know that he is sincere and is merely reporting what he has observed and in this case his observations are not unique to him. John has been designing all kinds of first class audio equipment since before the most of us here were out of nappies, and has witnessed and contributed majorly to high quality audio as we know it today. In John's position he has heard more kinds of audio equipment than most of us could dream of, and when presented with 'new physics' items that alter audio reproduction he takes notice and reports his STOP SHOOTING THE MESSENGER if you have NOT trialed and experienced the items that John describes.......those of you who keep up with the cheap jokes and slights please understand you will have to recant your words in future. What John describes of Bybee stuff is old hat to me.....

Goop applied to room corners changes acoustics of the room, Goop applied to dwelling AC power inlet changes acoustics of the whole house, Goop applied to concert systems changes sound over the whole venue etc. 'Electricity' is not just 'electricity', there is much more to energy transmission than is described in elementary electromagnetic theory and there are 'subtle' energies and modulations/information in electricity transmissions/transductions that are audible/revealed in electronic audio systems. Controlling and 'voicing' these subtle energies is the key to good sound, understanding that this is key and how to control it is sadly beyond most here.

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'Electricity' is not just 'electricity', there is much more to energy transmission than is described in elementary theory and there are 'subtle' energies and modulations/information in electricity transmissions/transductions that are audible in electronic audio systems. Controlling and 'voicing' these subtle energies is the key to good sound, understanding that this is key and how to control it is sadly beyond most here.

So tells us Dan and maybe you'll get a Nobel prize. And remember you are not talking to audio magazine readers crowd. Would you mind to list some of your publications, scientific papers, supporting your theses?
First, thank you DPH for the great link to explaining Feynman. This is what I often find most useful on this thread, LINKS! Yes, input from people more informed than my critics.

Second, thanks Dan for commenting on people's criticisms of what I report. I just report my experiences, take them or leave them. I don't make up anything, why bother when I am exposed to so much that I can't yet completely understand?
So tells us Dan and maybe you'll get a Nobel prize. And remember you are not talking to audio magazine readers crowd. Would you mind to list some of your publications, scientific papers, supporting your theses?
Pavel, I'm working on it.
I do not yet have publications but in conjunction with personal experience I am collating information from diverse sources and in time I think this will help to explain statistically emerging evidence of hazards of EMR (Wi-fi 5G etc) and how to ameliorate these hazards.

As of now I am able to beneficially alter the feel and ambience of any dwelling by applying filtering to house power inlet panel and this change also reflects in the audio gear 'in da house'. According to elementary theory as we are taught this is 'not possible', my response is elementary theory is too 'elementary'.

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