John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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If you look hard enough, you'll always find something. There was this infamous case of the Sun Fire top of the line computers from 20 years ago that would crash mysteriously. In the end, they published a white paper blaming the cosmic rays. Mind you, I'm not saying it's not some marketing BS in this case.
As the SunFire range was full on telco grade server stuff with ECC built in and (at least in the big iron versions) with a lot of mainframe like RAS features I am not sure where these mysterious crashes come from. Twenty years ago DRAM was a lot less dense and so you have a lot of DIMMS. So a fully stuffed E15K would have 576 DIMMs in the rack. They would run for years at a time. I fail to see anything that stretches any known laws of physics here.

It's sad but wonderful that you can get those levels of grunt under your desk now.
Memory failures. I had mysterious crashes with no names. Thanks to Memtest that does test seriously. No cosmic ray found but a couple of bits revealed unreliable over hours of testing. A good test is much more than writing a checkerboard pattern and read back. See the documentation of Memtest. With serious DRAM brands: No problem, no more mysterious system crash, corrupted registery.
I remember reading about the substrate ceramic emitting alpha IIRC and tossing bits.

We have cosmic ray concerns with the big semi switches, occasionally causing false triggers on the 100 mm scr's.

For the liquid argon WIMP detectors, they were obnoxiously worried about the source of the copper and ceramics, as any decays could cause a false detection. I had never realized that where they got the ore from was so important.

As the SunFire range was full on telco grade server stuff with ECC built in and (at least in the big iron versions) with a lot of mainframe like RAS features I am not sure where these mysterious crashes come from. Twenty years ago DRAM was a lot less dense and so you have a lot of DIMMS. So a fully stuffed E15K would have 576 DIMMs in the rack. They would run for years at a time. I fail to see anything that stretches any known laws of physics here.

It's sad but wonderful that you can get those levels of grunt under your desk now.

Yep, ECC has been standard in server DRAM since the 90s. I would also have a hard time believing that late 90s / early 2000s DRAM is more susceptible to anything than modern DRAM. The majority of DDR4 is produced on 20nm process, with Samsung just recently moving to 10nm. I bet the DRAM in a Sun Fire isn't even vulnerable to a rowhammer attack.
Pavel, I'm working on it.
I do not yet have publications but in conjunction with personal experience I am collating information from diverse sources and in time I think this will help to explain statistically emerging evidence of hazards of EMR (Wi-fi 5G etc) and how to ameliorate these hazards.

As of now I am able to beneficially alter the feel and ambience of any dwelling by applying filtering to house power inlet panel and this change also reflects in the audio gear 'in da house'. According to elementary theory as we are taught this is 'not possible', my response is elementary theory is too 'elementary'.


Be sure to let us know when you are ready to talk about audio electronics.
I remember reading about the substrate ceramic emitting alpha IIRC and tossing bits.
That sounds like this story - I first read about it in some trade journal in the 1980s or so.

1978-Discovery of soft errors from alpha-particles In 1978, the first evidence of sea-level soft fails from energetic particle impact was given in a famous paper by May and Woods of Intel [8]. This paper resulted from a serious industrial problem at Intel concerning operational errors in their 2107 series 16Kb DRAMS. It was discovered that the problem was trace radioactivity in the memory packaging materials. The May and Woods paper was submitted to a device reliability conference. Although the paper was presented in June 1978 and was not published until early 1979, the preprint was rapidly circulated throughout the industry, and within two months articles were appearing in trade newspapers. Since the May and Woods event was so important, their company continued backtracking to identify the cause of the problem. The source of the contamination proved to be quite instructive. Because of the dramatic increase in demand for LSI ceramic packaging in the 1970s, a new factory had been built on the Green River in Colorado. Unfortunately, it was built just downstream from the tailings of an old uranium mine. The water used by the factory proved to have high levels of radioactive elements, which contaminated the ceramic LSI package^.^ IBM had begun to have evidence of its own soft-fail problems, and with the circulation of the paper by May and Woods, the first IBM task force on soft fails was created in mid-1978. It found that alpha-particles were indeed one source of an IBM reliability problem, and this group initiated the first modeling and screening efforts on the effects of radiation on IBM chips.
<snip> Controlling and 'voicing' these subtle energies is the key to good sound, understanding that this is key and how to control it is sadly beyond most here.
So you're saying James Maxwell was wrong? I'm reminded of so many people who claim Albert Einstein was wrong.

Pardon me for being doubtful about 'new physics' and such. I have no doubt that John and many others here have more discerning hearing than I do and can hear differences I don't, but I question the claims based on that hearing. A claim that new physics is required to explain such phenomena is extraordinary, yet the evidence for it is not only NOT extraordinary, but there is scant evidence if any at all. If there's truly a "there" there, chances are overwhelming that it's explainable within known physics and other known sciences.

I'm yet again reminded of Susan Blackmore's essay "Why I Have Given Up" but I don't even want to post the link anymore.

I do not yet have publications but in conjunction with personal experience I am collating information from diverse sources and in time I think this will help to explain statistically emerging evidence of hazards of EMR (Wi-fi 5G etc) and how to ameliorate these hazards. <snip>
Electromagnetic radiation has been a widely claimed source of negative health effects since the early 1990s. I especially remember a story from that time about a company CEO, an early user of cell phones (back when they were expensive enough only well-off people could afford them), dying of a brain tumor. If the implied causation were in any way true, by now with the proliferation of billions of cell phones there should be plenty of people who have since died of brain tumors by now. I haven't heard anything, so maybe their deaths are being suppressed (!).
Joined 2002
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We had chips on Veeger and it was a concern at the time. This was of course before the Quantum Slipstream Drive was invented.


Scott I remember you long ago talking about radiation hardened processes in IC fabrication. The industry was apparently not aware of BB (C) and Goop (C)



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Electromagnetic radiation has been a widely claimed source of negative health effects since the early 1990s. I especially remember a story from that time about a company CEO, an early user of cell phones (back when they were expensive enough only well-off people could afford them), dying of a brain tumor. If the implied causation were in any way true, by now with the proliferation of billions of cell phones there should be plenty of people who have since died of brain tumors by now. I haven't heard anything, so maybe their deaths are being suppressed (!).

Nevermind that he talks about Wi-Fi and 5G. What's the difference between those and the myriad other RF emissions that have been blanketing the world over the last 70 odd years? Wi-Fi is pretty low power... 5G is not even a concrete thing (there are so many standards that fall under this marketing label). Peak handheld cell phone emissions likely occurred with 2G GSM standards at 33 dBM maximum in the low bands. LTE Class 3 UE is limited to 23 dBM.
One day there will be new physics. It will extend and augment, but not replace, the old physics. Newton's laws will still be correct for throwing a ball; Maxwell's equations will still be correct for designing electronics. You may need the new physics for explaining the mass of neutrinos, or telling us why there are just three families of quarks and leptons.

It will not be discovered by audio designers. Many of them obviously still struggle to learn the old physics, and so try to hide this lack by claiming that the old physics is inadequate.
There is a difference between hearing a difference and claiming some unusual explanation. That is the basis of mythology! Observe and then come up with an explanation however fanciful.

The idea to make it science is to provide it repeatable and demonstrate the mechanism for and by others.

I suspect it is not the god of fire punishing you for try to steal fire in your hands. But you are welcome to try and test that theory!
Yes, only water, never tried anything else. Feeling is inconsistent and not dependable, swings on mood. And I find it inappropriate to continue discussion on this stuff here..
Ok, you should be adept at finding much more than just water streams, and it is useful to know and recognise the 'feeling' of geopathic spots such as you describe as bad bed place.
Thank you indura1 for your experience with dowsing. I have never met anyone who has knowledge of this. It is commendable that you know what works or not, and are not frightened by others who can't understand what is possible. I try to convey similar knowledge here, but I stick to changes in sound quality, because that is what I am trained at.
JC, dowsing is about sensing fields and field changes according to underground features such as water streams, fault lines, and energetic lines/grids and consequent grid intersections. Fault lines can be mineralised and it is this concentration of minerals that is sensed.....these minerals concentrations cause earth radiations to be modulated and carry signature of these concentrated minerals which can be bio-beneficial or bio-toxic according to the elements involved.

Water streams crossing such fault lines can carry these modulations and cause a 'band' of these modulated radiations for some distance. 'Action at a distance' is at play when one is over such fault line or water stream and if the mineralisation is containing toxic elements/compounds the radiation will be found to be geopathic/harmful and according to exposure, this is why bed or office chair location is important. JC, you are open minded and sensitive, you ought to be able sense these ground radiations with a little instruction and practice. Zung, do you ever go to Solothurn ?....if so there is a particular place you should experience.


Electromagnetic radiation has been a widely claimed source of negative health effects since the early 1990s. I especially remember a story from that time about a company CEO, an early user of cell phones (back when they were expensive enough only well-off people could afford them), dying of a brain tumor. If the implied causation were in any way true, by now with the proliferation of billions of cell phones there should be plenty of people who have since died of brain tumors by now. I haven't heard anything, so maybe their deaths are being suppressed (!).
Maybe you have not been looking !.

"Based on the Hill criteria, glioma and acoustic neuroma should be considered to be caused by RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones and regarded as carcinogenic to humans, classifying it as group 1 according to the IARC classification. Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised.”
Long Term Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Cancer Note that brain tumours have long latency (not unlike tobacco and asbestos) and that cell phone usage is now far in excess of that in earlier studies now that 'unlimited talk time' plans are the norm. The Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Explained discusses effects of non-ionising EMR, the comments section is worth reading.

Ask yourself why manufacturers stipulate that phone should be at least 25mm from the head/body at all times ?. Ask yourself why Lloyd's refuses to insure phone manufacturers against the risk of damage to users’ health ?. Tumours is just one (relatively rare) effect, however Electromagnetic Sensitivity is very much on the increase, is recognised as a legitimate condition and is living hell for sufferers and blanket 5G is set to make this problem worse. I am not intending to be scaremongering or alarmist nor subscribing to 'conspiracy theories' but there are problems caused by EMR and 'dirty electricity'. I have been highly electro-sensitive in the past due to heavy exposure and understand the problems faced by sufferers, sufferers are not imagining their condition.

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