John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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I think I mentioned before the dairy farmer who had a high voltage line running nearby. His cattle started loosing weight and stopped producing milk. So off went his cattle and new healthy ones replaced them. Well the new ones had the same problem and the old ones got healthy away from his farm. The farmer went broke and the farm was sold off.

The new owner discovered the cattle were drinking water only rarely and then for short periods. A quick check showed there was voltage in the water trough and not surprisingly the cattle really didn't like to drink the water.

The solution was simple. Change the defective water pump that was feeding the trough!

But lots of folks still cite that as an example of the dangers of high voltage transmission lines.
Anyone here remember the story from the late 90’s or early 2000’s of a guy who worked with his laptop on his lap (that’s why they call it a laptop I suppose) and fried his nuts? He claimed working like this had made him sterile.

I don’t know what the outcome was.
I do recall many years back some laptop batteries were catching fire. Even just getting too warm in that area could cause reproductive problems, as those organs are on the outside so they can operate a few degrees cooler than the rest of the body.

Offhand from this "pick your own laptop adventure" link, battery fires look like an ongoing problem:
laptop battery fire - Google Search
I think I mentioned before the dairy farmer who had a high voltage line running nearby. His cattle started loosing weight and stopped producing milk. So off went his cattle and new healthy ones replaced them. Well the new ones had the same problem and the old ones got healthy away from his farm. The farmer went broke and the farm was sold off.

The new owner discovered the cattle were drinking water only rarely and then for short periods. A quick check showed there was voltage in the water trough and not surprisingly the cattle really didn't like to drink the water.

The solution was simple. Change the defective water pump that was feeding the trough!

But lots of folks still cite that as an example of the dangers of high voltage transmission lines.
Of course the real danger here is assuming that correlation is causation. There's way too much of that going around.
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Joined 2012
Richard Do you miss cheeseburgers yet? I miss going over there and eating all the food...
No. There are cheese burgers here also. Not to worry. :) The quality and variety of foods is so great here. A true melting pot. And they have something else not seen in decades -- service. Service is over the top. I was at a hardware store last year to return an item. They sat me at a table, gave me cold bottled water while the paper work got done and then --- stood in line at the cashier for me. Geeez. They do have a history of hierarchy. And, subtle things like the watch you wear tells them their position in relationship to you. Thus, how they are to behave.

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RF/EMR is energy transmission but it seems with 'signature' ... I believe this is one mechanism ... ... for example as in red wines as I have described. ... IME/IMO this 'steering' of biochemical processes... Geopathic earth radiations are one example... I maintain that EMR ... this is the current state/result of my investigations. ...
Dan, PLEASE stop posting these religious beliefs, I find them offensive and insulting. Please restrict your posts to audio electronics, or other off topic ares that are not religious.

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Joined 2012
You must love it.

Yes, I do love the great service. Who would not?

Using that bit of Thai info given to me by Thai.... I went to take my American friend out to dinner at a nice place. He didnt have a suit and tie. he just had a plaid short sleeve shirt. I wore suit and tie. I said, here wear this watch.

At the door, my friend followed me in and told me later the door man glanced a look at his watch and then let him in. It works!

I dont know if I was even wearing a nice watch just to the hardware store, doubt it, maybe some other reason.... but there is a good cultural reason why so many fake high-end watches are made and sold in Asia.

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Dan, PLEASE stop posting these religious beliefs, I find them offensive and insulting.
Nezbleu I have long suffered your taunts and insults when responding to questions from others and now you are offended, bwahahahaha to your 'victim' response which is the same as every bullying sociopath I have ever encountered.
Please restrict your posts to audio electronics, or other off topic ares that are not religious.
My posts are religious ? bwahahahaha to that also. My posts are indeed intimately connected to audio which started me on this long investigation, I put it to you that you should take a close look at your fixed belief systems, aka your religion. In the mean time I will continue to explore the relationships between fields and machines and biology........a stick on patch that cures an aching joint without drugs within a couple of hours anybody ?, already done and a whole lot more in addition to achieving good sound. Does modern physics explain these properties or are the answers in 'new physics' or Maxwells deleted equations, time will tell. Nezbleu your beliefs have blinded you to some aspects of the real world and knobbled your learnings of how life and the universe operate, this is your problem and not mine. It is old knowledge and I confirm that fields influence peoples behaviour and that negative and offensive outlook people take on the properties of their environment, you might like to take an introspective look at this. Good day to you.

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I did not say that Nezbleu is a sociopath but I did draw attention to sociopathic behaviour one hallmark of which is to implement antisocial behaviour and then pull the 'victim card'. None of us has complete understanding of physics, if we did we could all just go to KMart and buy a perfect system off the shelf and be done with it and no point spend time on this forum.

JC, myself and others bring up topics the likes of BQP, Goop, conductors and dielectrics etc that are perfectly relevant to the tiny ray of the universe we call audio electronics, if observations of the properties of these do not fit fit your belief systems then perhaps you could contribute by input of relevant information you do know and leaving out with the heckling comments which only diminish your standing.....I respect that you are smarter than that Scott.

Da Vinci Code ? evidently know infinitely more about this than I do, what's it about ?....and I don't recall mentioning Ley lines, just what are they also ?.

You actually don't get it. You must have taken lessons from Paula Deen.
I don't get it either, what does this (derisory?) comment directed at RNM mean ?.

The only thing that would be interesting now are some measurements instead of blablablabwahahah
I put up loopback recordings that had a brief glitch and I have been derided for that ever since and I believe from you. When I am good and ready I will post measurements, in the meantime I do have loopback recordings that sound different according to Goop formulations, I even treated recordings specifically for you but you chose not to listen to them.

You never did explain your level of working in Telephony, here's your chance, go ahead and surprise us.

You said telephony is a poor relation to audio and of little relevance, or words to that effect, until you were corrected (not by me), what is your evaluation now of telephony, has it been elevated in your eyes (not that I care that much) and would you understand if I told you (I doubt it considering your displayed ignorance of the matter) and why should I anyway? Anyone can post here and the value of there posts are what should be judged, not who or what they are, but you already knew that didn't you?
Analog telephony....300Hz-3.4kHz bandwidth with significant noise and significant crosstalk, what is good about that in Hi-Fi audio terms ?. I believe I was not corrected but chose not to respond, mind linking to your post please ?. FYI I started my career in Long Line Telephony (Coaxial and MW Carrier Systems) and proceeded to working in Trunk Service Repairs Lab, far removed from Subscriber Maintenance or Local Exchange Maintenance where I believe you come from, correct me if this is not so. So try explaining stuff to me about what is so great about telephony, I guarantee I will understand it.

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Joined 2012
I don't get it either, what does this (derisory?) comment directed at RNM mean ?.


Just Scott, being himself. He cant help himself. Sad.

At my old age, I should care if he makes a public spectacle of himself? I don't think so. I am having too much fun.

Sold every material thing... piano, cars, house, paintings, audio. All at a big loss. Gave away much of it also. But, thats OK. Contrary to Scott, material things dont matter that much to me.

Now I have nothing but a small condo and I am a happy camper. Well, I do want a larger place for music listening.

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