John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Good day to you.


OK, carry on with the nonsense. I genuinely find your posts offensive, and they have been getting worse. You used to at least try to talk about electronics, now it's just all the same nonsense over and over again. You have not had a post here about audio in ages, just the same tired fake magic claims and zero evidence. I don't care about your party tricks with wine, nor do I believe them.
OK, carry on with the nonsense. I genuinely find your posts offensive ....

Agreed, but it is pointless feeding it.

Dan refuses to consider, therefore will never understand that:-

1) an anecdote or opinion is not a fact
2) multiple anecdotes is not data
3) putting quotes around a word does not change its accepted meaning.

It is all very sad and a total waste of time and bandwidth.
It’s just a fact of life, those who expect to gain income in the service industry will be drawn to the bling and put forth more effort in hopes of better return.
I’ve always hated putting on a show and never dress to impress, so any preferential treatment I may receive in life is genuine......I hate fake.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2012
It could be that the line:

"And, subtle things like the watch you wear tells them their position in relationship to you. Thus, how they are to behave."

was the reason.

That can be understood with a quite negative konnotation.......
It could be if one is so inclined to think negatively. Every culture has its idiosyncrasies. That is one of them.

That wasnt an isolated case, either. A few years ago at the Bangkok International airport, I was in line offering my ticket and passport for inspection before being allowed thru to the gates. Woman signs off on my ticket and then says to me in passing ... "nice watch" They really do look at your watches.

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Just Scott, being himself. He cant help himself. Sad.
I find it is completely easy to be pleasant to others and to be unpleasant is an effort that pays no positive dividend.

At my old age, I should care if he makes a public spectacle of himself. I don't think so. I am having too much fun.
Good to hear, you deserve it.

Sold every material thing... piano, cars, house, paintings, audio. All at a loss. But, that's OK. Contrary to Scott, material things don't matter that much to me.
Yes, good food, good company and security is all we need.
Now I have nothing but a small condo and I am a happy camper. Well, I do want a larger place for music listening.
Seeing your sponsor girl do well will be your reward, no amount of possessions can give such feeling and give so much, this is what life is all about.

Well wishes, Dan.
OK, carry on with the nonsense. I genuinely find your posts offensive, and they have been getting worse. You used to at least try to talk about electronics, now it's just all the same nonsense over and over again. You have not had a post here about audio in ages, just the same tired fake magic claims and zero evidence. I don't care about your party tricks with wine, nor do I believe them.
You believe that BQP has no effect and same with what I am researching, so be it but you have exactly zero proofs because you have not personally experimented with or experienced the likes of BQP or Goop, ie you are allowing yourself to be offended because of your belief systems. Take a close listen to these original plus three loopback files of my son's recording and let me know what you hear - Belmin Kuburas.

Headroom: My invention makes everything sound better. Proof? Just try it.
Trier: I tried it. I didn't hear a difference. So that disproves it, right?
Headroom: Not at all. Your hearing just isn't good enough.
Trier: Wait a minute. You said the proof was in my listening and I didn't hear any difference.
HR: Look, if my invention makes everything sound better and you can't hear it, the only thing that proves is that your hearing is faulty.
Trier: But that assumes what you're trying to prove.
HR: Not at all. All my friends hear a difference. Even a random woman in a parking lot with earbuds heard a difference. Are you calling them liars?
Trier: Of course not. I don't know what they heard.
HR: Exactly. Because your hearing is faulty.
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Take a close listen to these original plus three loopback files of my son's recording and let me know what you hear - Belmin Kuburas.


Hey Dan,

I actually have some experience listening to that new style of music and enjoy a lot of it, I find it hard to contemplate what most of it is supposed to sound like so I just revert to factors of pleasantness.
I use many tracks of this style in testing and have stumbled on quite a few tweaks that helped all genres across the board to sound better because of it.

In this case I can see a progressive improvement in depth and focus track #1 to track #3 but you can only polish a turd so’s overly compressed to start with.

I wish that we could get back to what it takes to make better audio quality. Much of what really works is not directly derived from textbook engineering. That is what makes audio reproduction so interesting! This week I had a pleasant experience with a 'make work' project that came out well.

The story goes: I listened for years on FM broadcasts on Comcast cable. About 1 year ago they decided to remove the FM and by the end of 2018, they cut off the channels. What to do? My small system that runs on Comcast then only gave me TV sound, yet I like to hear news and commentary on NPR. I do have FM playback on my big system, but that is a hassle to start up, no remote, frustrating when a phone call comes in and no mute, runs hot, etc. So, I tried to switch to TV news, but it is very narrow, and repetitive in scope. Then I started to use my old Telefunken portable radio for FM dialogue. My portable radio uses 5 D cells, and the design is over 50 years old. Still, batteries are expensive to replace and difficult to recharge, so what to do?

Of course, everybody would say: 7.5V wall wart based DC power supply. So I tried one. It sounded awful and had audible hum. I have found over the decades that I never could get a 'non-battery' supply to sound 'right' compared to the internal battery supply in the radio itself. Why? I could only presume that it was power supply contamination with RF, ignition interference (car use), etc that really made batteries the best sonic choice, but it became a drag to replace the batteries, so I decided to build my own 7.5V power supply that could possibly sound as good as a battery.

I decided on an open loop buffer type design with a QUALITY transformer, (same as a Blowtorch) high speed rectifier diodes, and quality caps, from Vendetta and Blowtorch designs. I basically made a high current version of a Vendetta input stage power supply with a Norton equivalent voltage source and a power transistor for the output buffer. It is quiet, but it is not a perfect DC regulator and the voltage will change somewhat with loading, but it sounds great! Sometimes, the wrong measurements are emphasized to the loss of audio quality overall. I believe that I made the right trade-offs.
Headroom: My invention makes everything sound better. Proof? Just try it.
Trier: I tried it. I didn't hear a difference. So that disproves it, right?
Headroom: Not at all. Your hearing just isn't good enough.
Trier: Wait a minute. You said the proof was in my listening and I didn't hear any difference.
HR: Look, if my invention makes everything sound better and you can't hear it, the only thing that proves is that your hearing is faulty.
Trier: But that assumes what you're trying to prove.
HR: Not at all. All my friends hear a difference. Even a random woman in a parking lot with earbuds heard a difference. Are you calling them liars?
Trier: Of course not. I don't know what they heard.
HR: Exactly. Because your hearing is faulty.
This looks like every subjectivist-objectivist audio (but also in other fields) argument I've seen on online forums.
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