John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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The group of people who poo-poo measurements {and say things like your sound system and/or your ears aren't discerning enough} because they say they can hear subtle differences that can't be measured...

The problem with that is that it is designed to be a derogatory term thrown at anyone who hears anything you don't hear, and or who you happen to disagree with when they say we don't currently measure everything that could be measured.

If you start playing that game, then you should expect to be called deaf in return. Maybe, the Deaf Old Geezers Brigade. That leads to food fight debates that gets threads closed down.

So why do you want to be the one that starts the name calling? You bored or something?
... there must be rational physics explanation ?...
Maybe, but then, maybe not. It's over my head, I only know it works for me.
Tell us about your 'training' and your experiences please. .
The skill was not passed to me orally, no explanation, a learning by doing. We use the skill to find the best place to drill water well within a location and places to avoid for sleeping due to effects of water. Never asked any money for it, only used in service to friends and relatives.
The problem with that is that it is designed to be a derogatory term thrown at anyone who hears anything you don't hear, and or who you happen to disagree with when they say we don't currently measure everything that could be measured.

If you start playing that game, then you should expect to be called deaf in return. Maybe, the Deaf Old Geezers Brigade. That leads to food fight debates that gets threads closed down.

So why do you want to be the one that starts the name calling? You bored or something?
I've referred to myself as a deaf old codger, it's as meaningless as everything else that is said about what people hear, this is why measurements are the only thing that count on a forum.
Do you dowse for water only ...
Yes, only water, never tried anything else. Feeling is inconsistent and not dependable, swings on mood. And I find it inappropriate to continue discussion on this stuff here.
... 1000s of tourists standing at the railing and feeding the fish.
On underground water flow? Very funny. :)
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Thank you indura1 for your experience with dowsing. I have never met anyone who has knowledge of this. It is commendable that you know what works or not, and are not frightened by others who can't understand what is possible. I try to convey similar knowledge here, but I stick to changes in sound quality, because that is what I am trained at.
I've referred to myself as a deaf old codger, it's as meaningless as everything else that is said about what people hear, this is why measurements are the only thing that count on a forum.

Which include measurements of aubibility using subjects under controlled conditions of course. The soft side can be tested.Not seen it done on this site, though.
'Electricity' is not just 'electricity', there is much more to energy transmission than is described in elementary electromagnetic theory and there are 'subtle' energies and modulations/information in electricity transmissions/transductions....
Non sense. This is fake science. None of this has been found. In electro magnetism ( unified with the weak nuclear force ) there is no place for subtle unknown energies among scientists.
If you look hard enough, you'll always find something. There was this infamous case of the Sun Fire top of the line computers from 20 years ago that would crash mysteriously. In the end, they published a white paper blaming the cosmic rays. Mind you, I'm not saying it's not some marketing BS in this case.
Ha! Something about which I knew something. But to paraphrase outrageously: Early days of dynamic memory chips (1103 anyone?). Cell charge so small that suspected alpha particle radiation could be enough to kill charge and cause a soft bit error. We actually built an accelerated life-test system (DUTs in an oven with temperature and voltage stress) in an array constantly running some checkerboard (alternate 1s and 0s) pattern. After several years the client declined to order more testers ($200K a pop) because the "problem" could not be reproduced. That is how science works! Now back to retirement, and where are the pruning shears ....
The problem with that is that it is designed to be a derogatory term thrown at anyone who hears anything you don't hear, and or who you happen to disagree with when they say we don't currently measure everything that could be measured.

If you start playing that game, then you should expect to be called deaf in return. Maybe, the Deaf Old Geezers Brigade. That leads to food fight debates that gets threads closed down.

So why do you want to be the one that starts the name calling? You bored or something?
Do you know of anyone in GEB that showed the proof (via objective method) of what they claimed to have heard? I'll bet none.
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