
you can see we aren't alone (probably "nearly")

I have a very nice K-tube from Pelanj and hope to blend it with a good 10" (A 10FR300 is shown)

Look at ReinoutdV's beutiful 1" format tube in action



  • K10 -10FR300 - K3.5 3FE25 PRINTED K-TUBE ABOUT 9 INCHES LONG.jpg
    K10 -10FR300 - K3.5 3FE25 PRINTED K-TUBE ABOUT 9 INCHES LONG.jpg
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@ Suntiger - do you think the low frequency response of your K- BLH hybrid might be fudged using a compound horn model of sorts in hornresp? If so then some things might be predicted.

I'd have to look up the Imperial plan and narrow it to get the back side of the driver. The front would be a "wag".

Karlson certainly lives !

4 February we had a local/national (sorry...the Netherlands is not that large....) audio DIY-event. More than 200 persons attended; around 15 sets were on display. There were 3 Karlson inspired sets; 2 Karlson bass/low-performers and my K-tube set.

I demonstrated with the following stuff:
  • (simple front end consisting of) MicroMega T-drive cd-transport + Benchmark DAC1 (including volume control)
  • Pass Labs XVR-1 active crossover (at 1330 Hz / 12 dB)
  • 6C45 pushpull tube for mid/high (2,6 watt....too much as the mid/high driver is serious efficient)
  • Hiraga Le Monstre amp for bas/mid (8 watt....way too much)
  • speakers:
- open baffle with von Langa field coils (the picture Freddi posted earlier was the speaker in its last version with an OK-Supravox. But the Supravox was simply outplayed by the fieldcoil mid/high driver.
- K-tube with a von Langa field coil driver

Much fun. Everybody was not only impressed by the overall musical performance but were positively shocked that this was just 0,5 Watt (not suprisingly as the field coils are "insane" sensitive).
It could not be that wrong as someone asked to make a recording of it ?!

Just like all audio-events: the public must be informed on this "forgotten" system. Luckily i was not alone.....
Karlson is not "sexy", not well-known (even sometimes seen as yesterdays technology...bullsh&%) but when properly executed capable of serious audio.
Go for it; but be prepared that you will encounter lots of unkown/ignorant/unfamiliar/etc-reactions as Karlson is not mainstream.

Regards, Reinout
(including some pictures of the supravox - von Langa swap ; and the trials of the demo-set)


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Good evening Freddi, there were no commercial exhibitors with published reports as this was a DIY-event.
Every room had 2, 3 and even sometimes 4 sets showing their stuff at different times. Nearly impossible to see/hear everything ; especially the persons (like me) who had to take care of a demonstration & explenation themselfes.
Stephan made a photo-impression (https://www.gecom-technologies.com/blog/?p=2580 ) (it is in German but probably more readible then Dutch....) and even he wasn't able to see/hear everything as it is a constant chance of sets.
And in the meantime the measuring possibilities were present so all sets were in a constant state of flux.

Next time i will not do a demo and try to focus more on other Karlson-systems.
Regards, Reinout
Hi Reinout - that would be great assuming you had already decided not to set up the system the next time around.

Some questions for Suntiger. What size are the tubes on the two speakers of yours below and what do they use for low frequency drivers and loading ? Are there front loaded horns formed? What does the concentric "double K-tube" do?

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speaking of K-tubes, I found this 1979 ad for Transylvania Power Company's "THE TUBE" at a major auction site. I'm guessing Karlson's K-tube went back to around 1966 in the X15 as X15's first tweeter was a wooden mini - Klam driven by a 3 inch cone tweeter.


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Here is my system put together by an audio madman (me!!!!) with a contribution from the Karlson archives.... Note the two Karlson bass boxes (with EVM-15L drivers) which provide mid-bass and low mids (60 to 500 hz) below the set of Lowther drivers mounted behind in cardboard waveguides (don't laugh, they sound better than they look!). The Lowthers (DX65) have diffusers mounted over them to reducing beaming.

Above the Lowther waveguides are B&C DE10 tweeters (serving as supertweeters) high passed at 16 khz and mounted behind homemade Karlson tubes pointed straight at the listening position, and the Karlson slot facing the opposite wall. (Note that the other ribbon tweeters are doing nothing - they were the wrong efficiency for this system). The Lowthers cover from 500 hz to 8000 hz.

And yes, that crazy supersized refrigerator sized thing at the center back of the room is a tapped pipe with a pair of long throw 18 drivers to reproduce under 60 hz, down to about 15 hz, maybe lower, mostly for movies (the pathlength of the tapped pipe is about 22 feet between the back side of the drivers to the front side, and the drivers are mounted at the ceiling in a push-pull arrangement.

The Lowthers and supertweeters are driven by 300B tube amps, the Karlson boxes are driven by Hypex Ncore class D amps, and the refrigerator subwoofer is driven by a 1000 watt Hafler amp. I use a Sublime Accoustic electronic crossover for the Karlson bass and subwoofer crossover - the Lowthers are driven directly from the SET amps.

The room is 19 x 26 with a vaulted ceiling which is about 7 1/2 feet at the side wall and around 10 feet in the center. Yes the room is still under construciton so I still have a ways to go before it is finished. I have a lot of irons in the fire, so progress is slow going.

What fun!



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this time it was more difficult, I worked many hours and as I went forward I had to think about how to solve the problems that arose along the way, and I also had to make some tools to be able to make this second prototype.
unlike the first one, this one is made of wood and 1 cm thick cardboard and has been built in a much more accurate and scrupulous way.
the driver is a much better 12" woofer than the previous 4.5" one.
2 measurements are compared, in air (purple) , karlson (blue) .
interestingly, there is a similarity between the two measurements.
at 45 Hz and 150 Hz two very similar negative peaks are seen but the conductors are different both in terms of size and manufacturer.
I take it that this is due to the room ? .
although the external measurements are those of a k12, I realized that both the front and rear chambers are slightly smaller.
what do you think ? Has it improved or gotten worse? . don't be scrupulous.


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    doppia misurazione di confronto woofer 12 (in aria e karlson ).jpg
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    risposta in frequenza ingrandita karlson piccolo woofer 4.5 pollici.jpg
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From the following measurement I found out one thing. the second negative peak at 150 Hz is not due to the anterior chamber with the two exponential apertures because the measurement was performed without them so that peak is due to the posterior chamber.
brown color 12" woofer in air light blue color 12" woofer in case without exponential openings.
I had to increase the volume of the amplifier and despite this, as you can see, the blue SPL response is lower than the brown one.
what are you saying


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    doppia misurazione woofer 12 in aria libera e karlson K12 senza le 2 aperture esponenziali cam...jpg
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