Lii Audio 15" full range

Dadbeh, that is exactly the idea I was thinking with this driver. I really like the pure audio project but the price is pretty high and I thought 3 15" drivers would pass the WAF test.

I read though the thread fairly quickly so I may have missed it but has anyone worked out what cabinets would look like for this driver? I was trying to use UniBox408 and got some strange results so I figure I'm putting something in wrong.

Looking at the golden ratio chart I came up with about 280L as the largest speaker that could realistically fit in my home. That works out to 42" Height x 26" Width x 16" depth.

The first three were run that way. The closed box looks like about 100hz is were crossing over would make allot of sense. I believe that is the number a few people have been using at this point.

The vented box is pretty interesting in that it digs much deeper but I'm not sure how it would sound with the double peak.

The passive radiators I think I put in correctly. I used the rule of thumb to have double the passive radiator surface as the driver, so it worked out to 3 12" DS315-PR. The box has to be 280L just to fit all those radiators somewhere. One of the front with the F15 and one on the left and right side's. Or maybe one in the front and two in the back, I don't know.

The last one I ran was dropping the cab down to 120L and putting in two ports. I recalled reading that the 0/96 speakers had looked at a big 15" full range driver so I figure I would toss in there cabinet and ports and see what came out. It looks like it will dig pretty dang deep, it's a fairly agreeable size too. 31" H x 19.5" W x 12" deep.

Anyways I attached the charts Unibox spit out. Again not sure I did everything right. I was more curious if anyone else had look at things other then OB.


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I am listening these F15 on an OB I built quickly to get an idea, not too bad, but I didn't buy them for this.
I bought them to try into a Karlson enclosure that I am building right now, I should have my first listening within a week or two. I know it won't be great at first, I'll need to adjust the ailes and the vent most probably......and I may well be unable to get something fully working correctly....
Yes for sure it's a nice driver. I want to do an open bottom or open back cab with some stuffing and a screen over the bottom or back. I'm planning on doing a sort of quasi OB using a pair of 18" Goldwood drivers for the lows crossed around 70hz and a pair of 15" fullrange for the rest.
Was just interested and curious how people are doing with the Lii drivers etc. I think the Fane would better suit me for what I'm wanting to do re the QTS and potential mods perhaps..
I will look forward to your review when you're up and running with the Lii drivers :cheers:
I have been listening to these in my system for a few months now. I recently changed the baffle to something a bit more aesthetically pleasing. Just trying different baffle shapes until I finalize a design before cutting into 2" hardwood! :D

I recently moved my modified Klipschorns out of the room to free up space behind the baffles and that made a significant difference in improving the size of the soundstage. The new baffle below also moved the speaker up closer to ear level at about 32" off the floor which improved the mid and high frequency details. Bass did not seem to be affected at all. If you listen to jazz, classic rock or "older" music, this setup is fine. But for more modern music with lower synthesized bass you will be missing something. I am patiently awaiting a pair of W-15 woofers to assist these.

Yesterday I took some measurements with REW and a calibrated USB mic at listening position. I was pretty impressed with the results. There is a significant dip at 200Hz and 4.5kHz. 200Hz appears to be my room as you can see the room modals in the lower left corner. I assume the 4.5kHz is the whizzer cone. My long term plans are the W-15 to fill in the bottom and possibly a set of Fostex T-90A's for the top end.

So far I am really enjoying these drivers! They are the most natural sounding fullrange drivers I have heard to date. They also extend further into the lows and highs than any others I have heard as well. Sadly, I am afraid my beloved highly-modified Khorns will not be returning to the music room. :(

Stay tuned!


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Took another measurement at 1 meter straight on (not listening position). The dip around 200 is still there. I pulled them out into the middle of the room and re-measured and curve looks almost identical. I would assume then the 200Hz dip is baffle related which unfortunately is exacerbated by my room modals. The 4.5kHz dip is still there and I am convinced this is the whizzer cone.


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Is there a 15" or any other size full range driver that is dead flat across the frequencies and even if there is does it sound good. All speakers are a compromise one way or another, you either live with the limitations of a full range or the other problems associated with multiway speakers.
Is there a 15" or any other size full range driver that is dead flat across the frequencies and even if there is does it sound good. All speakers are a compromise one way or another, you either live with the limitations of a full range or the other problems associated with multiway speakers.

I'm not complaining! This OB has displaced mu highly-modified Klipschorns from my music room. These are the most natural sounding speaker I have ever had the pleasure of listening too! :cool:

Personally, I think the curves look pretty good.
Is there a 15" or any other size full range driver that is dead flat across the frequencies

No. Some get closer than others. But there are major caveats to that:

-1/ On-axis driver response is only one metric in the signature of a loudspeaker. One of the major ones, but not the only one. Off-axis out to at least 30 degrees is also important (major shifts in polars have been demonstrated to affect perceived tonality), distortion performance, the enclosure load and baffle loading / diffraction are others. And

2/ Flat axial response itself is not invariably favoured; this depends on a number of conditions including some or all of the above, the speaker position and use, the recordings and individual preference. To use the latter two as examples, Harwood and his team at the BBC advocated midband EQ (what later became described, not very accurately, as 'the BBC dip') for close-mic. recordings of orchestras and other such live performances, as consistently providing a more realistic / accurate perspective in listening tests. And [the many] variations on a decining HF response trend are often favoured in blind listening trials. However, both are also equipment and test-setup dependent for some of the aforementioned reasons, so there is no fixed solution / answer for all conditions.

...and even if there is does it sound good.

Depends on how you define 'good'. Largely see above. It might. It might not. Acoustics of this kind isn't a black & white matter. In ideal conditions, with well-recorded and mixed programme material, and assuming the driver distortion performance is adequate, it has reasonably linear off-axis performance and sufficient headroom for the average levels to handle desired dynamic peaks in the material -yes. It should. Will an alternative like some of the examples mentioned be preferred? Possibly. And this is before we account for variations in hearing.
I'm not complaining! This OB has displaced mu highly-modified Klipschorns from my music room. These are the most natural sounding speaker I have ever had the pleasure of listening too! :cool:

Personally, I think the curves look pretty good.
I wasn't suggesting you were complaining, just my take on things. I agree they are indeed very natural sounding and if I had the room I would have kept mine, as it is I'm very happy with crystal 10 with a Bakoon amp in my very small room.
If someone duno what to do with their Klischorn, send them to me :p:p I would brake the walls if needed !

If I can get the bottom end to fill in properly once the W-15's arrive, they will probably be for sale! ;)

They are nice too! ALK Crossovers, Elliptrac tweeter horns with B&C DE10s, bedliner damped K400s, Crites cast woofers and custom Rosewood veneer. :cool: