Lii Audio 15" full range

Lii audio F15 on a 55x78cm open baffle.

Later I did an add-on tweeter with Dayton AMT 3-4.

I did the Leonidas ssc (sound shape circuit).
It takes care of baffle loss and driver anomalies.

For this moment I run it an a 2x3 watt tube amp.
even after corrections I have decent sound levels in the room.

I like this driver because it does very good voices and body on piano.

Wish you all fun with this driver.
I wanted a smaller baffle so came up with this.
It's easy and sound is to my personal likings.

sinc. Leon


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Happy Audio 21 New Year :) What about 18" version ?
Maybe some Diyer ready have a pair at home and experiment..
my are 12" vintage alnico but this 15" and large 18" wake up curiosity


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They look interesting! I have the F15's in Open Baffle and I don't put too much trust in their published response curves. The F15 rolls off at 10kHz so I would imagine the 18" is worse. It is still one of the best sounding fullrange drivers I have heard! I'll be posting more info on my build once I finalize a few details. I'll also include some room measurements.
You need a woofer. Do not believe published graphs on Lii website.

Red curve - just F15 alone in 42”x30” baffle
Green curve - W15 added to F15
Cyan curve - FT17H added to above and bass level reduced to better balance

These are ROOM measurements NOT speaker measurements taken at my listening position.

F15 runs fullrange off my SET 45 amp, FT17H also off SET 45 with cap to cross over at 7kHz. W15 runs off Dayton APA-150 with crossover set to 150Hz.


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I have not tested the sensitivity yet but it seems a little high to me. I am running a 45 SET at about 1W and they really don't bloom with this amp. My friend brought over his 2A3 and that really seems to wake them up. Also ran them on an F7 and they sounded great on that also. They definitely like power to produce more bass.

I am thinking of buying the Parts Express DATS so if I do I will run them on it and post results.
Thanks Craigtone
After open baffles demonstration with 12"Full Range PHY/HP
what was my conclusion : only high and large dimensions size can produce more realistic double bass
like in jazz music etc. and room acoustic conditions are importent


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