Low-distortion Audio-range Oscillator

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In the first plot the THD is a measure of the RTX. The second gives -146 THD The third is more challenging with its different scaling factors but still around -130 dB THD.

With the Shibasoku you can take its monitor output into an FFT and scale appropriately and should get reasonable accurate harmonic levels. However these all may be close to cancellation with internal harmonics, something that can be difficult to check.
Joined 2004
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Hi Spike,
To see any difference between the supplies (or anything for that matter), you're going to need a shield for starters. Put it into the case intended for the supplies and oscillator. Then, as Demian pointed out, you're going to have to look at the monitor output.

The Mosfet is operating as a CCS into a zener diode, giving you a stable pre-regulated input to the 317 regulator. That's going to be less noisy and have fewer amounts of any HF noise on the line. The worse your raw power is, the more of a difference the CCS - zener is going to make over a C multiplier.

AX tech editor
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Here are some measurements of my first gen Victor oscillator. I has the original LME49720 and none of the more recent tweaks.

This is using ta Victor oscillator (first gen) + B&K 1607 tunable notch filter + RTX. The first measurement is direct into the RTX at a pretty optimal level and indicative of what you can get with possibly the best ADC implementation today. The second is with the B&K notch which has a 70 dB insertion loss at the fundamental (994.38Hz) 10 dB at 1994 Hz and 6 dB at 2988 Hz. in the "frequency" mode. In the "distortion" mode its 74 dB at the fundamental 21 dB at 1994 20.5 dB at 2988 KHz.

For the frequency mode you need to add 70 dB + correction for the harmonics, for the distortion mode you are within 2 dB by just adding 54 dB.

DiAna does a great job of avoiding noise and spuriii which there will be a lot of below -140 dB. The signal in to the RTX was at 500 uV approx.

Demian, that's a good data point. I am currently also trying this on the RTX, running under Virtins MI. So far I am mostly trying to figure out Virtins ;-)
How do you do this with DiAna, just DiAna and the RTX as sound card?

Maybe RTX with compensated distortion would be able to measure the oscillator THD directly. An ordinary soundcard with original THD of -98dB loopback measures opamp THDs of -130dB quite reliably. I would expect RTX to perform significantly better when compensating from -120dB of its original THD.
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Notch filter compensation

This is using ta Victor oscillator (first gen) + B&K 1607 tunable notch filter + RTX. The first measurement is direct into the RTX at a pretty optimal level and indicative of what you can get with possibly the best ADC implementation today. The second is with the B&K notch which has a 70 dB insertion loss at the fundamental (994.38Hz) 10 dB at 1994 Hz and 6 dB at 2988 Hz. in the "frequency" mode.
Hi Demian,

Above figures suggest that this B&K notch filter is the passive and classic version (and also similar to Jan Didden's balanced T filter), right?
In that case DiAna can adjust the harmonic amplitudes 'automatically' by means of simulation of such a filter. Just go to Option -> Apply notch compensation. If no notch response file was loaded, DiAna will ask "Use simulated values instead?" Press Yes and the harmonics (including the fundamental) will be restored to the levels just before the notch filter (provided that the frequency is exactly tuned to the notch dip, of course)
DiAna does a great job of avoiding noise and spuriii [...]
Thank you for support. :)

AX tech editor
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I can't leave well enough alone ...

My previous-best was with the synced Vic oscillator (3kHz), no window, move-to-bin-center.

What I did now was to slightly change the nominal 3kHz Vic oscillator I have to make it synchronous to the FFT to avoid the whole move to bin center processing and still not needing to use a window. I can do that now that I can sync Vic (not Vic, his oscillator ;-) to the AP digital generator.

Calculated what the nearest frequency is to 3kHz that will be synchronous when I sample at 48kHz, 32,768 FFT samples record length. Each sample has 1/48,000 = 20.83uS, and each 32,768k samples record thus takes 0.68267 seconds. Which freq closest to 3kHz will fit an integer # of cycles in this period?

204 cycles @ 2988.3Hz
205 cycles @ 3002.9Hz
206 cycles @ 3017.6Hz

... so pulling the oscillator to 3002.9Hz seemed the way to go.

This gave the attached curve, even lower than before, and still no trace of harmonics. Using the 'Sync' setting on the FFT processor means I cannot do averaging so the noise is more ragged than before, but clearly lower.
Vic where are your harmonics??



  • sync 3002.9Hz no aver 2V.PNG
    sync 3002.9Hz no aver 2V.PNG
    23.6 KB · Views: 301
AX tech editor
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What it does:

When you are performing an FFT on an acquisition record that is longer
than the transform length, only the number of samples specified in the FFT
field will be transformed.

That is why there is an acquisition length choice 'track FFT'. So if you specify a 32k FFT length and select 'track FFT', 32k samples are acquired and transformed. If you select a longer acquisition record, you can select separate frames in that long record for transform, but the transform only happens on a frame with the # of samples specified in the FFT length.

If you want to analyze a longer record than the FFT length you need to do that offline.

AX tech editor
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But can the AP stream raw data continuously?

Not that I know of. Acquisitions are stored in an acquisition buffer before processing. Max acq. buffer is 4MS.
And not the whole buffer can be processed all at once. For instance, the max FFT record length is 32k samples. If you do 4MS, you can 'move' through the 4M to select a 32k set for processing, but not the whole 4M record.

Not that I know of. Acquisitions are stored in an acquisition buffer before processing. Max acq. buffer is 4MS.
And not the whole buffer can be processed all at once. For instance, the max FFT record length is 32k samples. If you do 4MS, you can 'move' through the 4M to select a 32k set for processing, but not the whole 4M record.


Can you down load that? Preferably in some usable form.