lowes fullrange soundbody`s

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the thread is to my web-log
to show my new speaker design
the Lowes fullrange sound body`s
I have them working in my livingroom
and I whrote to factorys like lowther
phy-hp and to elektor magz
I got no reaktion at all

why is this?

so I post my pictures later on diy audio
I hope

annybody is happy
to se this design?
I`m proud to show
grtz foirixi


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yes this is a tribute to John Karlson
and his design basics
exept mine is also a horn
to be axact a fullrange exponential horn resonator
becose these words are to long i call them soundbody`s
I spend 3 years designing them
14 days to make them and
14 days to tweak de goodmans hifi fullrange speakers
so they could work without a super tweeter
the enclosure itself was good in one time
grtz foirixi
its all by expiriens and a lot of listening
and expirimented with basreflex
b&w kef goodmans infinity audio nivana
philips telefunken warfdhale bns
technics yamaha and i also play some gitar and bass
my last project was home made klipsch lascala
points of atention are stage impression
representing every album like they are
piano voice electronic music sutch as tiesto

if I had some money i would like to have a spectrum analyzer
for example now I have to do it with ears and soul

grtz foirixi
I see that its nesecery to mesure
and i `m buisy to arange a spectrum analyzer
both speakers have resonans frequentie of about
74 hz this enclosure takes it a lot lower
I think to about 50 hz

I learnd that the kwality of sound grows in your hart
and it comes out in every new project

what i have at the moment doesn`t make me tired of listening

it is a very easy sound

what sounds best i think the voice of mary boine
who also plays with jan garbarek
it is a northern scandinavian way of singin

grtz foirixi
I'm always happy to see Karlson technology and have enjoyed several couplers - would you share a sketch?

does the rear of the speaker drive the coupler?

I'm not particularly interested in graphs as simple response plots will and can not indicate tonal effects which may best be adjusted "by ear" - with real time analyzers such as TrueRTA or ARTA there can be quite a bit of sonic difference and no significant difference on the graph.
I'm not particularly interested in graphs as simple response plots will and can not indicate tonal effects which may best be adjusted "by ear"
Rather than by ear , I'd say by hand , since you would have to disassemble a whole cabinet to make the necessary adjustments .
And,yes ,the rear driver drives the coupler. The cabinet is the function that holds them together ,that's why I pointed that the stands,as a coupler to ground ,should be kept apart from these calculations.
Then optimizing speaker position in ambient would be the joy of the listener.
hallo freddi
thank you for the positif reaction
I`m working on a good drawing
and I don`t now yet how to handle any
publication my intention is to make it availeble for everyone
I know I need some one that wil build them
from drawing and manual
to see if it can work tis way so every body can build them
thanks again
grtz foirixi
hi foirixi - it will be fun to see your creation drawing -- I put Super10 Nirvana in K15 and it sounded very good (might benefit from 3200Hx notch filter)

your Karlson-tribute speaker might work well with Super 10 if two inches wider :)

Karlson with 30 sq.inch vent
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

here's the input Z and tuning with a long run of #10 wire - the original 40 square inch port spec from 1952-1954 may be even better - it sounds pretty good overall after I remembered to put in a strut between the rear shelf and back panel. AN10 has more extended on-axis highs than a lot of speakers
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Indoors 1/24 octave in middle of a cramped kitchen, mic slightly below driver center, Nirvana Super10 - highs would look similar from the Karlson if I had a mic stand that day to point the mic on axis. I think the level at 200Hz would be a bit more with the 40 sq.in. vent
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

BEST, Freddy
thankyou for your reaction i got 10 ich audio nirvanas build in now
it is a thigt fit and i made a ajustment to the panel inside
and they sound very good gold honest and very direct
you become part of the stage its realey beond a lot of expirement and things i heard before
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