lowes fullrange soundbody`s

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looks fabulous - BIG THANKS ! - what is the final width at the bottom? what adjustments does it need for 10" fullrange? do you think larger versions for 12"-15" coaxial & fullrange might work well? You realize that the average acoustic scientist will be bewildered by the slot expanding while the vessel's volume is tapering down to "zero":D:D:D

is it alright with you to show the plan over at Gregg Baker's Karlson Loudspeaker and Jame's Fullrange forums?

have you done experiments with regular Karlson - coupler?

oh - as one tribute to John E. Karlson, I had an acoustic bass guitar made something like a drawing in his speaker patent

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hallo freddy
thank you for your happy with the plans
coaxials will not work in the sound body`s
strickly fullrange speakers wil work
it was only intended for 8 inch
specially for the super alnico from audio nirvana
but 10 inch works aswel

de gap inside must be the netto surfes square cm
of the speaker
and the distance between the gap and the splitbeginning
must be 1/3 as the length of the split in 2/3 than you have
the most rendament and a clear sound
thanks - I understand the "Sd" gap feeding the coupler. John Karlson would be proud of you:) - do you think it'll work with most 8 inch fullrange? If its midbass sound is something like the coupled-cavity couplers then it should sound very good on cello and bowed bass-viola.
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Thank you for sharing your design.

About 5 years ago, I built Bill Woods rear loaded horn with the Karlson slot opening. A picture of the speaker is at audioasylum.com under "RCA Fan" in the gallery section (I tried to link but was not able to). This speaker is a variation of the a rear loaded horn and is an alternative to the 8" Fostex designs.

The RCA Fan cabinet created solid bass and seemed to like drivers with a lowish Q, around .2 or so. The best results I've had were with the Fostex 208E Sigma and not any Lowthers. The higher Q driver I tried was the Visaton 8", but the result was too much bass.

My question is what type of driver Q does your cabinet/horn do best with?
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audio nirvana

i discovered
dat visaton needs a thin wire
also goodmans en kef
depends on were the factory
has tested them with
audio nirvana works wel with
the combination of soft wire
with goldplated ofc hard wire inside


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hallo ultrakaz
nou i`m searching for someone to build the soundbody`s
from drawing,i would give you the online suport you need
and every kind of building tips maybe you can make
acoustic masurements to?
you will not be disapointed the soundbody`s are fress with a slide presence
in the hights and bass is nuetral

thanx foirixi
hallo empee
i live in groningen
and i`m working on a new plan fore the cabinets
tel me please what kind of fullrangers you have?
8 inch would be best !
i think about tang band 1772 8inch
i promis you wil be delighted by the sound
of the lowes sound body`s
grtz foirixi
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