lowes fullrange soundbody`s

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Hoi Foirixi !

I live in Haarlem so that's kind of far from Groningen.

I have a pair of Philips 10" speakers doing nothing,
So any soundbody should be "upscaled" to 10".

How did you design them,
did you use some calculation ?

You said something about the total Q factor,
I'm afraid the Qts of those Philips' are kind of high-ish.

I'm impressed by your design,
If you like, I can re-draw the cabs in Autocad !

please contact me if you have a re-worked design !!


hi empee
10 inch is also posible
after some modification i run them now with
audio nirvana super 10
and they sound good
you can compare the data with the data from your philips ten inch
you can find it with google
and i `m very happy with autocad drawings
Hi Foirixi !

You use the same cabinets for the Super 10's ?

Not tonight, But I think I can find some time this weekend,
to draw your cabinets in ACAD.

It would be nice to measure your speakers,
but maybe I'll make a pair myself to try.

Stay tuned !


sound body`s 10 inch

this is a sketch
from 10 inch sound body`s


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Hi Foirixi !

first draft...

Is the boad in the red circle correct ?
I wasn't to sure of it was there in your drawings.

I will complete the drawing with measurements and all,
if you say this is about right...




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moved the speaker upwards and shifted the diagonal reflector so all dimentions around the inner pannel are 12,5cm (top, reflector, back)

try to make the distance 16 - 17 cm insted

Huh ?
won't changing the entrance of the resonator by ~30% change the whole ?
same as with just shifting the slit downwards !

I really like the design. As I see it, it is a short horn / Karlson-klam variation.
But changing the volume of the driverchamber, aswell as the entrance of the
horn (or resonator), will certainly alter the overall performance of the enclosure.

How did you get to these dimentions ?




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by expirimenting i discovered several things
the factor of bassreflex is no isue here
but it is a horn resonator
the troat of the horn has to be
from a 25 cm speakerwith effective surfes aria of 22 cm
= 380 square cm : 24,9wide=15,26 cm high is the opening
this book tels it luidsprekerkasten begrijpen en zelf maken de muiderkring
abaut horns you see it is a horn resonator this is the way this design comes together

again the karlson box was also a bassreflex this design is no bassreflex

becose it does not work otherwise when you make the opening smaler you get to much
high frequenties

i discovered this by expirimenting on a dayli bases
thanx foirixi
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