lowes fullrange soundbody`s

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I never said it is a bass reflex :confused:

here it is with all dims around the innerplate at 15,2cm.

indeed it fits;
the innerpannel is 28,5 and just touches the beginning of the split !


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sorry but i have an idea
could you pull the top and back a bit furter back so thre is more space fore the speaker
you can use the lowest point of the split as turnig point
fore example up to 37 cm depth total at the top????
thanx foirixi
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Hi Foirixi

Yes, I really think the speaker has enough room this way;
after all, it's only the tip of the magnet, and it's only in the centre
of the cabinet. To the sides it has enough room...

extra board underneath the driver ?
I think it's better to stuff that triangle with damping material, like they do in
the tip of a voight pipe. It'll help to reduce the high tones from getting into the resonator.

maybe it's best to try and experiment with that.

I think underneath the driver is a fine spot for a (super-)tweeter ?

I will put all measures in the drawing, but not tonight because my
girlfriend is complaining about me being up in my room all night :rolleyes:

Cheers and goodnight from Haarlem !

hi Empee and Foirixi -- looks to me Foirixi's original sketch and speaker-build have the slot on the panel which makes a right angle relationship with the top. Whether that would matter other than appearance - I don't know. It looks nice the way Empee drawn.

Another thought - the vessel's overall airspace volume will have some influence on the low frequency cutoff.

Best, Freddy
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I'm always happy to see Karlson technology and have enjoyed several couplers - would you share a sketch?

does the rear of the speaker drive the coupler?

I'm not particularly interested in graphs as simple response plots will and can not indicate tonal effects which may best be adjusted "by ear" - with real time analyzers such as TrueRTA or ARTA there can be quite a bit of sonic difference and no significant difference on the graph.

I agree. When I got my RTA I expected to see a plot very different from what I thought I was hearing, but no, I was amazed to find that my ears had been telling me pretty much what the RTA did. I also realized that, except for very large response anomalies, a plot of +/-10db is perfectly fine for my ears. Indeed there are other things that seem to be more important than how flat the response is. All these commercial designs that boast +/-3db or even 2db from 20hz to 20 khz fail to impress me. For one thing, that's impossible, and other factors really influence me more.
RTA doesn't differentiate between source distances and delays - for instance I could have a compression driver mounted in a Karlson without its waveguide tube and the RTA graph might look similar to having the tube in place - but sound would be vastly different as the slotted waveguide's tip would be peeking into the slot aperture plus the perpendicular to pipe's long axis component would be mixing in the upper portion of the front chamber. No pipe condition would certainly sound "distant" & "reverberant" to having the slotted pipe waveguide in place.

here's inroom traces for a simple midbass coupler whose wings could swivel in at the top to vary the starting gap and curve (to a degree) and topped with a Smith distributed source horn - with 5/8" gap, tone was muffled and constricted - moving wings on cleats to obtain a 1.2" gap sounded "very good" - but RTA did not show real significant differences. Would some features of ARTA be more revealing than simple RTA? There's no on-axis trace comparison here but they also pretty well overlaid.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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annybody is happy
to se this design?
I`m proud to show
grtz foirixi

very nice build---i say this especially , as it is indeed very similar to the speaker enclosures im building at the moment, and also it reassures me that my design will balance okay.

Great minds think alike i guess

ill have to post some pics once i get the panels finished after christmas.
to empee
if you need a tweeter you can also put it on a wedge shape on top of the cabinet
than you can adjust it backwards for liniar phase (vertical axis)

?? can you isert in red in the drawing a diagonal back panel to make it fit for 8 inch
and make the distance to the back 12.5 cm
Hello guys,
I just have returned from a visit @ foirixi home and i can confirm that the sound of his soundbody's is absolutely phenomenal. I was totally flabbergasted by the spectrum of the sound. The tube amplifier, selfbuild, helped as well. From bass to treble it was full and pure, crisp and bright as i’ve seldom heard. Truly great.
Keep up the good work foirixi.
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