
Just found these babies in my parts box :)

They're used ones, but they're real Sonys.


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I have to say this..

I've been listening to Luminaria for about 3 days now and this is simply stunning. Thank you Mike, for this gift and the L'amp power amp. The sound from my speaker is like nothing else before. The best.

I hope more poeple could build Muminaria, at least with 2SK60 or 2Sj28.

Thank you so much! :worship: <= Asian way of big appreciation.
I'm sure the J28 would work. Conceptually, you'd just change all the pluses to minuses and vice versa. Practically, a little experimentation would be needed to find the sweet spot. Fixed bias would make that easier.

I did a simulation with 2SJ28 to see it's operation, but I encountered a problem when I tried - I cannot find any depletion mode P-MOS, or small signal P-JFET which can support such high voltage, so I cannot make a P-channel version of the original buffer, with self bias and bootstrapping. To complete the simulation I just put a basic source follower as buffer, it worked but I'm not sure that's a good sounding buffer.

@Michael, what sort of buffer you would recommend for a P-channel LuminAria ?

Thanks and regards.


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