Mark Audio Alpair 10.3/A10p MLTL

I have pair of these nearing completion at the "90% complete, 90% still to go" stage. I'll admit to being a bit skeptical at first, but that was dispelled during initial testing. These sound absolutely fantastic! They seem to be much bigger than they actually are.

I'll post some pictures and more details when they're actually complete. In the meantime, thanks to Jim for such an awesome design!
Made set of these from some used 18mm ply shelves, sound great..



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Markaudio are lousy at updating their site, but FWIW, I've done quite a few more enclosures than are currently there. I'm no Dr Griffin, but in the meantime these might be of interest:
Hi Scott,

Would there be any detriment to folding the compact MLTL design for the 11ms? This would mean a 54cm tall "bookshelf". I currently have the MAOP 11.2's in a not well suiting BR bookshelf and I am looking for a design that would go on my desk or dressoir.


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Not exactly. Water Buffalo is designed for the Alpair 11MS; as I often say (in slightly blunt prose ;) ) for best results you need to use an enclosure designed for a given driver, rather than trying to ram it into something that was designed for another unit. As far as the bald alignment goes, the lower Q of the MAOP 11 (which is derived from the Pluvia, not the Alpair) creates a more highly damped response; the baffle dimensions do not quite match the response characteristic of the 11 MAOP relative to the 11MS and the target responses. While it will work with OK[ish] results, it's not quite optimum. This will also to a point depend on your driving amplifier, which I don't know about.
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I see, thanks. So I should be looking for Pluvia11 designs? Or are there other TL designs available more suiting to my drivers,
Perhaps a bespoke design?

I have grown to like them very much, albeit I would like to extend lower frequency response.

I plan to use my low output impedance (First Watt type) amplifiers.
I have my Alpair 10.1 in 24ltr cabinets as shown. They are actually 5 sided, but I've adjusted the measurements for rectangular to make it easier. The actual front of my cabinets is 155mm wide. I have no idea where this design came from - does anyone know? I bought them as they were. 18mm mdf build.

At present there is just a 55mm diameter hole for the reflex port. Can somebody tell me how to calculate the tube I need to tune the cabinet? I have 2x tubes 11.5cm long. The interior is slightly tapered, 44mm at front and 42mm at the back, interior diameter.

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