Master Nagaoka Tetsuo explorations on matrixed single stereo speakers

First prize to the gal/guy who builds a floor-to-ceiling array of that. :D Anyone hoarded enough 69¢ wonders?

Elias was trying to convince me to do that here..
But I wasn't daring enough to buy 25 more tc9's and rewire the whole thing.
So I cut this in half and used them as corner line arrays in my theater room.
They sucked so i am reusing those drivers in this....
I had an idea while reading thru this thread and the related links that Elias did.

Could you move the front speaker element to the top and use a diffuser? Like an Omni directional up firing frankenspeaker thing.

Just a thought I had. Thanks.
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I had an idea while reading thru this thread and the related links that Elias did.

Could you move the front speaker element to the top and use a diffuser? Like an Omni directional up firing frankenspeaker thing.

Just a thought I had. Thanks.

Yes it can be done. I did try that by placing my speaker on its back front driver facing ceiling. It has the efect center image will be less defined, but on the other hand sound will be very spacious.
It is easy enough to try and listen how you like it :)
I don't know if you got anybody hooked with this thread, but while I have yet to try it, a suppose a seed has been planted in my mind.

I have a small basement room that we might renovate into a library/reading type hangout place. I'd like to have an unobtrusive scheme for some background music and the stereo matrix could fit the bill nicely. I could either go for TB W4-1320SIF or FF85WK, each of which I already own a pair of, but I currently prefer the enclosure for my TB's so it might come down to the FF85WK, not to mention that it could make for a smaller system too. Either way will cost about the same to get a second pair.

The MX-1 appears to have all four drivers sharing the same volume. Is this one sealed or vented? The MX-10 appears to have divisions isolating the side drivers from the two central, but I'm not certain how this fits with the stand double bass reflex scheme, whether all four or only two drivers are reflex-loaded. Would there be any issue to having all four drivers share the same space in a standard vented scheme?
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I had all three drivers share same volume for a bass reflex and it works. My box fits flush against a wall in my office and works well for that application. Very unobtrusive.

See post 44.

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I'm afraid not. It has only 2 inputs. No polarity control.

I guess it needs several units to complete the whole thing.

Their 8x8 is analog-in, and products for HT is HDMI-in. It seems there's no product with multi-channel digital input.

Or, multi-stage routing matrix.

In current products, I think it might be doable with several (3?) nanoDIGI 2x8 K with a multi-channel D/A.

I see there's a "26 x 8 DSP mixer" feature in its bundle s/w, looks powerful. But TBH I don't know what it actually means. A matrix of 26-in to 8-out (with DSP) ? Wow.

But after all, it has only 2ch output overall. How can we do to the 8-out inside the processor? I've tried to read the manual, but it seems for pro, not an amature (like me). :(

If it's really able to do the routing in my previous sketch in post#152, I guess 44VSL is good enough with 8x4 DSP mixer.
Yes, the 44vsl would do the trick with 4 outputs.

I use mine for movie surround mode duty as well, so the 8 outs, I need!

Not sure what you meant with "But after all, it has only 2ch output overall."

the software is not really complicated, it's harder to figure out by reading the manual and not trying it physically at the same time.