Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs


Thanks for the inputs. I was not able to clearly see the dimensions in google images but now I can see in your picture. I will pass along this information to folks here.


hi Balaji - IF that 6 inch speaker meets its published spec then its not far off from the L CAO F6 which I have in the old Karlsonator 6 prototype

With regards to that 12 inch speaker, I had Fane's 12-250TC in the stock Karlsonator 12 and fwiw, it sounded pretty good. I'm not sure how much peaking it would exhibit on the low end as did not test.
First impressions


First short test run of wooden version. Nice sound!

No damping material yet. Definitely necessary though. Going to experiment with that the following weeks.



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Now with damping

Sooo, I put damping in the test-mini. This makes quite a difference :). Still no K-aperture but quite flat response nonetheless.

Any suggestions for more/other damping in the internals of the speaker before closing it up (i.e. glue the last side into place)?

Here are some pictures of the damping, the REW measurements for the convolution filter (for ROON) and the filtering applied in ROON.


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Looks good - add more foam on the bottom floor - cover it completely. Add a puff of loose polyfill in closed cavity above the drivers all the way to the bottom floor.

When you add the K aperture, it won't measure quite as flat - it will have narrow dips in the 300Hz to 600Hz range, but they are not noticeable. Just preparing you as these are not meant to be studio "flat" monitors.

But they sound great.
Finally finished my dual 3fe25-16 mini-k’s. I have them set up in our bedroom system right now powered by an ACA and a 2018 Wayne’s Linestage. I think I still need to play around with BSC but they do sound great! Imaging and sound stage are some of the best I’ve heard lately. I’m taking these over to a friends place tonight along with my Alpha 20w to do some serious listening. Should be fun!


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Another quick update. Had a real listen to these at a friend's house last night with an ALPHA 20W amp and BAF 2018 Wayne's Linestage. They sounded impressive and held their own against my friend's Paradigm Studio 60 v5's. There is room for improvement. I still need to fit the BSC components and possibly add more damping material. My friend also mentioned that he could hear the sonic qualities of the foamcore. We weren't sure if that was a good or bad thing. He also asked it a wood enclosure would sound better. I told him that is still up for debate. Haha! I plan to do some tweaking and report back.
I think the foam is too light and you can't get a very rigid box. It's not that I am for always a rigid box, to the contrary some consider the baffle as a musical instrument and should give their own resonance, like a guitar for example. But in this case wood would be far better.
Concret , parget, wood.... I guess just the result count in the end, as for me I wouldn't have used foam or just as template.
My Ks are made with OSB and plexi back and front, I didn't expect it to be so good. I woud have prefered to use glass instead but cutting and drilling glass isn't to my skill.
Those are pretty great looking boxes freddi! I've been curious about building wood boxes for some time, the foamcore is just so easy to work with. And if foamcore boxes took me 8 months to get done I may never finish a wood version! Haha!

But seriously, I have really wanted to do some in wood and will probably get around to it one of these days. For now I'll mess around with the foamcore mini-k's and enjoy their sound.
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Another quick update. Had a real listen to these at a friend's house last night with an ALPHA 20W amp and BAF 2018 Wayne's Linestage. They sounded impressive and held their own against my friend's Paradigm Studio 60 v5's. There is room for improvement. I still need to fit the BSC components and possibly add more damping material. My friend also mentioned that he could hear the sonic qualities of the foamcore. We weren't sure if that was a good or bad thing. He also asked it a wood enclosure would sound better. I told him that is still up for debate. Haha! I plan to do some tweaking and report back.

Hi Jwjarch,
Thanks for the update on the listening impressions! Sounds like these little foam core boxes did ok if they stood their own vs the Paradigms! Yes, adding some damping can help. Certainly with wooden cabinets, damping is critical to get the Karlasonators to sound good. They do contribute some pass through sympathetic vibrations. Bracing can help reduce the large panel vibrations.
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Yes, that driver looks interesting. Being fiberglass - it has the nice glass smooth sound like 10F perhaps. The 84dB is low, but if using with 88dB woofer in FAST, baffle step falloff of 5dB for 84dB overall system sensitivity is perfect - no padding resistor needed. I wish if was 8ohms though. Seems like it may be aimed at car audio market.