Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

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Would a single Seas MCA 12 RC be suitable for the karlsonator?

Very intriguing design and will definitely make one either a Vifa double or a single.

H1304-08 MCA12RC

I just ran the sims in Akabak and you will need to run these in dual driver parallel for a nominal 4ohm load. But the result is very good with 94dB sensitive at 2.83v and nice smooth bass that reaches F6 of 51Hz. Looks like a 0.60x scale in height and depth, and 0.50x scale in width will work really nicely.


Interestingly, a single driver doesn't really work as the box volume and aspect ratio becomes kind of impractical given the Vas. I recommend a dual driver config as shown.

Given the very nice smooth response of the Seas driver used here, I predict this could be one of the nicest sounding Karlsonators if you were to builld it.


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I just ran the sims in Akabak and you will need to run these in dual driver parallel for a nominal 4ohm load. But the result is very good with 94dB sensitive at 2.83v and nice smooth bass that reaches F6 of 51Hz. Looks like a 0.60x scale in height and depth, and 0.50x scale in width will work really nicely.


Interestingly, a single driver doesn't really work as the box volume and aspect ratio becomes kind of impractical given the Vas. I recommend a dual driver config as shown.

Given the very nice smooth response of the Seas driver used here, I predict this could be one of the nicest sounding Karlsonators if you were to builld it.

Thank you very much for the comprehensive response! I assume the cone excursion is under control as well?

I have two drivers soon, and will build at least one for fun! Foam board seems to be hard to find in Norway, but let's see.
At $70 each we're kind of in the wrong range of this super budget speaker concept!

Happy new year and hope all goes well with speaker projects in 2020 :)
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These SEAS unfortunately, don't have much Xmax. Keep the pair under 4Vrms (4W) to stay below Xmax of 1.5mm, but that is 97db at 1m. Plenty loud for most listening I think.

If you want to keep it budget then a pair of TC9FD for $20 will be the way to go.

I'm more after sound quality than quantity.

I have ordered both 4 TC9's and a pair of Tang-band W5-2143. How does the former compare to the
W5-2143 XKi's?
The predicted response of the dual SEAS is what I would call very high quality. It has a mild roll off that will sound very smooth and deep when combined with room gain.

The W5-2143 is also an excellent driver.

Thanks again. I will post an update once I get the Seas drivers and get hold of some building material.

Meanwhile I will to enjoy the Tang-band W8-1808 and Eminence Alpha 15A in an open baffle :D


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A member asked me to see if the Fane 15in fullrange (15-300TC) could work in a Karlsonator. It can but requires a very big one. Scaled 1.38x in height and depth x 1.25x in width. It will get 100dB sensitivity and have F3 of 57hz and F6 of 49Hz. Max output of 113dB is limited by 3.5mm Xmax at about 13Vrms (21Wrms). Response is surprisngly flat though.

Predicted freq response at 2.83v and 1m:

The very gradual slow roll-off in bass will integrate nicely with room modes to produce bass down to 30Hz easily.

Here is the predicted cone displacement for 21 Wrms:

I think you will be hard pressed to find a more sensitive full range speaker for nice loud bass that should be room filling and powerful.

Too late, i have finalize the cabinets for Fane 12-250TC.
Never i had the knowledge that a Karlsonator cabinet would work using this speaker.


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Your cabinet looks great. Is it vented or sealed? With the high sensitivity this driver has, it will sound amazing in a variety of alignments. I always thought the cabinet would be too big, but this Karlsonator is not huge huge.
X, cabinets are sealed. I'm looking for suitable damping material and a microphone for measurements.
I hope that i will learn the way for software usage at the end.
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A member asked me to see if the Fane 15in fullrange (15-300TC) could work in a Karlsonator. It can but requires a very big one. Scaled 1.38x in height and depth x 1.25x in width. It will get 100dB sensitivity and have F3 of 57hz and F6 of 49Hz. Max output of 113dB is limited by 3.5mm Xmax at about 13Vrms (21Wrms). Response is surprisngly flat though.

Predicted freq response at 2.83v and 1m:

The very gradual slow roll-off in bass will integrate nicely with room modes to produce bass down to 30Hz easily.

Here is the predicted cone displacement for 21 Wrms:

I think you will be hard pressed to find a more sensitive full range speaker for nice loud bass that should be room filling and powerful.
Wow. Where can I find the actual dimensions for this?
Founder of XSA-Labs
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From Post 1, take the original full scale Karlsonator plans by GregB, then scale it by 1.38x in height and depth and scale by 1.25x in width. Preserve internal dimensions based on material thickness.

It’s a big speaker as the nominal height is 31in. 1.38x scale is 43in tall and 1.25x width is 20.5in wide.

For your convenience, here is the full scale (1.00x scale) plans.

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The idea of a karlsonator that large gets me hot under the collar, that sounds like a lovely setup for sure.

Hey x, any ideas on an affordable driver for full size (or larger!) scaling? Something like a single full range that would work for a full size Karlsonator (or at least close to full size) build in the $50 or less range per speaker? Or maybe a pair of 5-6" drivers per side?

I did a search but never found anything other than for an Xki, did there ever end up being a scaling for two Dayton PA-130 per side in a Karlsonator, or would the magnets be too large?
From Post 1, take the original full scale Karlsonator plans by GregB, then scale it by 1.38x in height and depth and scale by 1.25x in width. Preserve internal dimensions based on material thickness.

It’s a big speaker as the nominal height is 31in. 1.38x scale is 43in tall and 1.25x width is 20.5in wide.

For your convenience, here is the full scale (1.00x scale) plans.

Thank you!
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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A dual PA130-8 Karlsonator would certainly work well. I will have to run a sim to see how big to make the box though. It is $40 range though.

Another option might be 12in version of the Fane full range. I guess they are not $50 though.

Edit: The dual PA130-8's will work in a 0.66x Height and Depth scaling, and 0.50x Width scaling. Provides a 90dB (after baffle step losses) and -3dB at 47Hz.
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If you use the search engine you have several threads talking about them p. e.
GRS 8FR-8?

there are not very good reviews, but everything is to try

I'm finding mixed reviews skewed towards "Good for the money" and similar, but that they don't measure the same as they are listed.

I did some searches but didn't find much. I'm having better luck this morning and actually found a bit more, including the measurements posted by GM here-
advantages of karlsonator

* This data was exported from the Dayton Audio WT3 Woofer Tester
* Manufacturer: GRS
* Model: 8FR-8
* Piston Diameter = 165.1 mm
* f(s)= 63.25 Hz
* R(e)= 7.43 Ohms
* Z(max)= 49.80 Ohms
* Q(ms)= 5.702
* Q(es)= 1.000
* Q(ts)= 0.851
* V(as)= 32.170 liters (1.136 cubic feet)
* L(e)= 1.14 mH
* n(0)= 0.78 %
* SPL= 91.00 1W/1m
* M(ms)= 12.67 grams
* C(ms)= 0.50 mm/N
* BL= 6.12

Qts looks pretty high, so not sure if it will work in something like a Karlsonator 8 or larger. Hmmm.
More measurements here-
Pioneer 8" BOFU BIB

This seems to be the most recent GRS8FR8 thread and the only one with reported T/S specs, so I'll post my recent findings here. I just finished testing five of these with REW and the added mass method. I'm about 93% confident in my testing setup. After running all five (four were post-break-in, one fresh out the box) this tends to be the average results:

fs 55.1 Hz
Qms 6.360
Qes 0.689
Qts 0.622
Fts 95.9
Mms 14.68 g
Cms 0.486 mm/N
Rms 0.865 kg/s
Vas 35.48 litres
Bl 7.672 Tm

FS on the broken in ones was closer to 55 with the fresh one at 62Hz

Break-in process was ~40hrs of play various material while the drivers just sat on a shelf.

I'm glad the Qts isn't up in the 0.85 range, but wish it was closer to 0.4

And here

Here are the output of the added mass method (27.5g added each time):


fs 54.7 Hz
Qms 6.730
Qes 0.748
Qts 0.673
Fts 81.3
Mms 19.24 g
Cms 0.440 mm/N
Rms 0.983 kg/s
Vas 32.13 litres
Bl 8.323 Tm
Eta 0.69 %
Lp (1W/1m) 90.53 dB
Dd 17.00 cm
Sd 227.0 cm^2

fs 54.9 Hz
Qms 6.391
Qes 0.663
Qts 0.600
Fts 91.4
Mms 15.09 g
Cms 0.557 mm/N
Rms 0.814 kg/s
Vas 40.71 litres
Bl 7.652 Tm
Eta 0.98 %
Lp (1W/1m) 92.07 dB
Dd 17.00 cm
Sd 227.0 cm^2

fs 59.6 Hz
Qms 6.360
Qes 0.689
Qts 0.622
Fts 95.9
Mms 14.68 g
Cms 0.486 mm/N
Rms 0.865 kg/s
Vas 35.48 litres
Bl 7.672 Tm
Eta 1.05 %
Lp (1W/1m) 92.38 dB
Dd 17.00 cm
Sd 227.0 cm^2


fs 55.1 Hz
Qms 6.885
Qes 0.636
Qts 0.583
Fts 94.6
Mms 15.74 g
Cms 0.530 mm/N
Rms 0.791 kg/s
Vas 38.75 litres
Bl 8.010 Tm
Eta 0.98 %
Lp (1W/1m) 92.07 dB
Dd 17.00 cm
Sd 227.0 cm^2

fs 61.2 Hz
Qms 6.794
Qes 0.747
Qts 0.673
Fts 91.0
Mms 16.48 g
Cms 0.410 mm/N
Rms 0.934 kg/s
Vas 29.94 litres
Bl 8.003 Tm
Eta 0.89 %
Lp (1W/1m) 91.64 dB
Dd 17.00 cm
Sd 227.0 cm^2

Hope that clarifies.

I really didn't average, just picked generally middle values from the respective samples. This is the raw output data from REW.

I'm planning on trying a few builds with these - probably both a MLTL and a cubic ported.

I really ought to ask santa for a reliable multimeter. :eek:

Hmmm. I'm curious how a karlsonator would look on paper with those. Single cheap driver sounds like a simple enough build.
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