Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

Is there anything else suggested than the red areas in the pic plus the sidewalls where the speakers sit and behind the k-aperture?


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Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FD's

I have built 0.4x and 0.53x versions. For both I have used dense sponge only in the backside of the inner chamber and on the bottom panel (right below the driver) with fantastic results. So I hope my answer helps you.

Yes, mostly those areas you showed, but not on the front [emoji4]
I got a buddy who would like a pair of speakers for his outdoor terrace restaurant.

There's a roof, but 3 sides are opened, the last wall is the restaurant wall towards the inside.

I'd like to try dual mini-ks, but I can only mount the boxes in the top corners, higher up near the roof. Angling the boxes down only bring the woofers parallel to the wall, not facing down, due to the angled mounting of the drivers.

Would it be ok to mount the boxes upside down? How would that affect radiation pattern?

Since the drivers are angled in the box, I could just mount the boxes flat on the wall, but upside down. That way, drivers would face down a bit.

upside down can work - draw a straight line from the driver's center which faces the widest portion of the K slot and that would be the central high frequency beam (I'm not sure of the HF contribution of the upper driver which sits back more "shaded")

Yes, I have actually tried mounting it upside down. If on wall near ceiling you can get substantial bass enhancement as if it were on floor near back wall.

IIRC, the original Karlsons were frequently corner mounted upside down against the ceiling, and it was even recommended for bars or restaurants or similar situations. It loads it exactly the same as if it were on the floor, which is a bit better even than on stands/a desk.


I am reading this interesting, documented and long thread, I found this image of the time, clarifying

In another order of things you have captured me with enthusiasm about the Kalsonator with what I am considering while I have access to a CNC to build the Cornu, go doing about 0.53X dual. Now I am going to draw them to be clear about the construction process and materials, as soon as I have it public and I ask the questions.

Un saludo


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