Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

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Joined 2012
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Monacor SP250p works well in 0.83x Karlsonator


I am reading about karlsonator enclosures last couple of week. I decided to try and build it.

Please could you advice me about using Monacor SP250P 10" driver. Here are parameters:

I plan to pair it with tweeter for big, nice, deep sound.

Thanks a lot

The SP250p works very well in a 0.83x scaled Karlsonator (10/12 scale). Great sensitivity and decent bass extension. Can produce 108dB max at 14.5v drive if you limit with a 50Hz high pass filter, or don't play music that has deep content to avoid hitting the mechanical stops on the driver.

SPL at 1m with 2.83v:


Cone excursion at 14.5v:


Max SPL at 14.5v:



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Repost from the XKi thread

Hi all,

after having posted my request plus modified plans for the 0,53 / 2xTC9 in the wrong thread, I ask again here:

I have a pair of these speakers waiting for a home:
Rockwood DY-811U Rockwood DY-811U

Belastbarkeit: 80W rms
Impedanz: 8 Ohm
Kennschalldruckpegel: 93dB 1W/1m
Frequenzbereich: ~80Hz-12kHz
Spule: 50mm Alu, doppellagig
Korb: 205mm
Ausschnitt: 180mm
Tiefe: 75mm
Sonstiges: Hochtontrichter, Polkernbohrung

TSP: (Jobst-Audio. Roh, unkorrigiert)
Fs = 91.44 Hz
Re = 6.00 ohms[dc]
Le = 129.89 uH
L2 = 450.80 uH
R2 = 21.94 ohms
Qt = 0.95
Qes = 1.21
Qms = 4.36
Mms = 20.71 grams
Rms = 2.441737 kg/s
Cms = 0.147 mm/N
Vas = 9.18 liters
Sd = 211.24 cm^2
Bl = 7.424954 Tm
ETA = 0.52 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 90.52 dB

Would they make sense in a K'nator?

Plus: I started converting the plans for the 0,53 / 2xTC9 into metric; XRK - please comment.


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0.83 scale is a nice size and tuning - maybe that would work with some of my 10" speakers. A K-tube and compression driver tweeter can be nice.

X - do you have a suggestion for gkh's high fs (~91Hz) Rockwood DY-811U who parameters are posted "above" ?

here's a "Pioneer K12" loaded with original spec Eminence B102 running fullrange with a BMD440 on K-tube as the tweeter - dynamics overall are very good as is its tonal palette. It sounds more powerful than my Karlsonator 12 with 12LTA. Original Karlson can be excellent.

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0.83 scale is a nice size and tuning - maybe that would work with some of my 10" speakers. A K-tube and compression driver tweeter can be nice.

X - do you have a suggestion for gkh's high fs (~91Hz) Rockwood DY-811U who parameters are posted "above" ?

If you say 0.83x is nice for 10" speakers - would that mean that my 8" should be in an approx. 0.75x box? :confused:

Wanna let some sawdust fly...
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
If you say 0.83x is nice for 10" speakers - would that mean that my 8" should be in an approx. 0.75x box? :confused:

Wanna let some sawdust fly...

Needs to be simulated with actual driver TS parameters to be sure it is sized correctly for optimal performance. Small adjustments in depth and width can have a big impact. Scaling gets you 70% of the way there. Thesinilario. Then takes that up to as high as it can be.
A K12 with single vent (not the slit vent) would have impact as would a scaled K15 in the 0.75-0.8 region. A stock Karlsonator 12 is pretty large at 150 liter external bulk, tuned to 37Hz and figure it likes medium qts best. X could simulate something strong.

I think a 12L could reach a K-tube tweeter.
hey X - - here's input for EVM12L

it might not hurt to have a bit of resistance in the lowpass section's inductor as qts is pretty low

Def_Driver 'EVM12L' |Notes: Electrovoice classic guitar-horn spec driver 3.3mm XMax 200 watts guitar amp rating Qts = 0.235

Sd = 500cm2
Fs = 55Hz
Mms = 29.51g Mmd + air load - think I saw "38g for Mms
Qms = 4.37
Qes = 0.245
Re = 5.4
BL = 16.54
Le = 1.27mH
Vas = 82.9 liters
I guess there is nothing new under the sun :)

I just stumbled across this mini-Klipsonator thread and was reminded of speakers I devised in the 1960's, when I was living in Australia. They too, were 'leaky transmission lines' -- but a lot more leaky than the Klipsonator! Here is the only photo which I have of them in use. This is a concert in Adelaide where one of the artists was Bon Scott, just before he joined AC-DC (a guitarist was on stage when I took the photo, however). My amplification equipment consisted of several thousand watts of amps, and many 6ft-high 'leaky transmission line' speakers. One is circled. A cluster of 6 high-power full-range speakers is at the top of the baffle forming the exponential-shaped front of that enclosure. As the bass travels down the box it is gradually radiated by the gap between the faceplate and the sides of the enclosure. You can see a 15" bass driver on an identical box just below the circle, and another wide-range enclosure is on the ground at the far left.

So the 'leaky transmission line' class of speaker does scale-up, in both power and size :)

ps: this 43 year-old photo was taken with a 35mm film camera, which didn't work very well in the dark! I apologize for that...

pps: The insides of the boxes were unfinished MDF, and the front baffle was supported on 5 horizontal cross-struts. The boxes were painted black on their outsides, as is the custom in the industry :)


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