My MOSFET amplifier designed for music

with reference to design posted in post no. 775, I wanted to check fitment and ease of soldering , here is how it all looks in 3D. Provided finalized resistor pads for trimmer as per Mooly's suggestion and also managed to squeeze in 15mm pitch film cap for the input ( MKS4B051004J00KSSD WIMA | Mouser India ).


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Its interesting hearing your thoughts and comments. The only reason (if your wondering :)) that I haven't tried Hugh's mod is simply that it would be a major dismantling exercise as each power amp is in its own tightly screwed together 'case'/subassembly.

I have now reverted to the original configuration (albeit with reduced gain using 22K and 1K feedback resistors). I made some other changes to my system (incuding removing all the "Qausimodo" snubbers - but that's another story) and feel that I prefer the open and dynamic sound of the original to the slightly "niceified" effect that the nested feedback has. Definitely worth a try though - nothing ventured, nothing gained!

The snubbers I removed were C-RC snubbers across each secondary of the mains transformers. The philisophy behind this can be found in the Quasimodo thread:
Simple, no-math transformer snubber using Quasimodo test-jig

It's funny how the mind is pleased by tweaking a pot and observing a 'scope trace for the "perfect" resistor value which will kill all the switching noise. I was convinced that this had to result in better sound so I went through my entire system adding snubbers... but after a while I realised that some female vocals had some sort of colouration. This was most noticeable with for e.g. Alison Krauss and Patty Griffin, when the vocals soar up they also tended to harden up. It's a similar sonic effect to lens flare with cameras.

Anyway... long story short... removing each snubber improved this and also made a distict improvement in clarity and tonal balance - this is why I originally thought the Mooly amp was a bit bright.:ashamed:

Just another cul-de-sac amongst the hundreds I've bumbled around in during the course of this daft but mostly harmless hobby :D