My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

I have seen issues with a My_Ref in the original build. I guess there is a chance this amplifier is the recent design.

Yes, same schematics of last version butthe orginal FE PCB design.

Using capacitor coupled tube preamps I had this problem. Was using a 2 ufd coupling cap for cost/size/availability reasons. Poor match. Replaced with a 8 ufd and it sang. The input cap on the M_Ref was either 1 ufd or 0.47. Was using 1 ufd and Mauro lectured me on changing things without knowing the full parameters effected. So split the difference. Changed to 0.47 and it sounded the same.

This is another usefull thing to check, but again it's not a part upgrade. ;)

Some speakers may not like the high output impedance. This is where Rev A helps too.

Absolutely, in fact I've wrote it:
None of the upgrades, apart using My_Evo Rev. A compensation, changes how the amp drives loudspeakers
Uhmmm... Many z-foils but cheap coupling caps...
Input coupling caps are really important for SQ, maybe one of the most important component. If your preamp has output coupling caps, then you can try bypassing My_ref imput ones, that would be easy and cheap.
If you can't, then you need better caps - nothing worse than Mundorf Supremes IMHO.

C 13 = Auricap XO 1.0 uf

I like using Peerless woofers too. The trouble is that their 12" line varies quite a bit in SPL. Some models are as high as 90 dB/W and I've seen other down around 84 dB/W. So depending on which you used, there could be quite a difference volume setting. All of these My_Ref designs are at about 30 dB gain which is slightly higher gain than the old (BrianGT) gainclone. Which gainclone were you referring to? If your standard gainclone needs significantly lower volume setting than the FE, then there may be a problem as Dario suggests. First place to double check would be the values of R7 (12k) and R10 (390R).

A question of curiosity. On the bottom of your board, there is a white cylinder at J1. Am I assuming correctly that the white is a length of shrink tube or equivalent for insulation?


The cylinder is a ceramic tube on the link for shielding.

I like using Peerless woofers too. The trouble is that their 12" line varies quite a bit in SPL. Some models are as high as 90 dB/W and I've seen other down around 84 dB/W. So depending on which you used, there could be quite a difference volume setting. All of these My_Ref designs are at about 30 dB gain which is slightly higher gain than the old (BrianGT) gainclone. Which gainclone were you referring to? If your standard gainclone needs significantly lower volume setting than the FE, then there may be a problem as Dario suggests. First place to double check would be the values of R7 (12k) and R10 (390R).

A question of curiosity. On the bottom of your board, there is a white cylinder at J1. Am I assuming correctly that the white is a length of shrink tube or equivalent for insulation?


Here is my woofer Specs


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They are Veshay 470uf
Which series? Some of them in general lacks a lot of bass leading to lower perceived volume (let's say 3 to 6db but your problem seems way bigger)
C 13 = Auricap XO 1.0 uf
I've a pair too, never found the time to try them.
In theory they should be slightly better than Mundorf Supremes and so not a problem.
Here is my woofer Specs
Woofer sensitivity is high enough but the sensitivity with the crossover?
Some crossover designs lower sensitivity a lot.

Again, the more important question you didn't answer yet... Did you try with different loudspeakers?
The cylinder is a ceramic tube on the link for shielding.
Not needed if solder mask is in good shape, nevertheless it should not harm either.
What is strange to me is if there was a part that wasn't working properly you would hear one side different to the other, but that's not the case. I know when I started using this amp we had trouble hearing the voices in the movie because it lacked midrange then took the caddocks out and presto more clarity
Hi clave,
I might have read the board Vers wrong, I will check again and yes It did sound more detailed but still lacked punch and I don't know why but I have to really turn the volume up to get a decent volume.

As Dario already asked, could you please list your complete music chain, including preamp and sources?
Did you try other power amps in your current system? Which ones (for example the gainclones you talked about)?
Could you execute the tests Joseph K asked you to? That would be very important, together with proper voltage readings described in Dario's tutorial...
In particular, what REAL voltage do your trafos output when connected to My_ref and what VA are they rated for? (Sorry if i missed some previous post)

I've used My_ref FE with 87dB good speakers and it had very satisfying drive, by a large margin, so your speakers sensitivity should not be a problem - not alone at least...
Please don't feel under "inquisition", we just want to help - strong support is a valuable additional feature of My_ref FE ;)
What is strange to me is if there was a part that wasn't working properly you would hear one side different to the other, but that's not the case. I know when I started using this amp we had trouble hearing the voices in the movie because it lacked midrange then took the caddocks out and presto more clarity


Thanks for the responses. I agree with others that the woofer sensitivity is fine. In fact, this situation, even the quote above, seem quite unusual for any FE. I hope we can figure it out.

If the source is not an issue, the speakers are not an issue, it points to the amplifier not operating as designed. If a Gainclone is significantly outperming it there is a problem.
If all the upgrades did not change much I suspect there was an issue with original build. Maybe you have mentioned this, but what are the measured;

1. Rail voltages for both channels
2. Low voltage rails for LM318
3. DC offset on output.

I would look for an incorrect value resistor that is the same on both channels. If your rails and output are good it should be singing. Also check the value of those low value compensation caps around the LM318.
I was going to install some non-magnetic polystyrene caps that I had in my pile. Found the labeling on them is confusing. Had to use a capacitance meter to verify the correct value. Then used the BOM parts mostly.
I think I asked this before but did not see an answer. If you have replied, please forgive.
My build

Here some pictures of my My_Ref build.

I use for all my projects the Hifi2000 - Galaxy GX34x chassis, so I have to make some compromises.

But it works excellent!



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