New 12" Full-Range: Fane 12-250TC

What`s the deal with the Karlson enclosures? I saw a lot of projects on this site. Google brings up a lot of mixed reviews.
Regarding the Fane I measured and EQ'd it flat which was kind of boring, then suit to taste which was very nice although kind of boring also.
Then I switched the EQ off and now it is far from linear or ideal but somehow I like it better.
So after 3 days of heavy EQing I went back to no EQ at all. Sounds more "natural" to me.
Yes, I agree.

Heavy eq sounds "lifeless" somehow, no eq sounds really dynamic and "live".
I am still experimenting to try and find the best median, a little bit of padding down goes a long way, but you still miss some of the transient response on snare/unfiltered kick/high tom/707 or 808 with hard kick (where the first part of the sound is a completely vertical spike).
What`s the deal with the Karlson enclosures? I saw a lot of projects on this site. Google brings up a lot of mixed reviews.

Most of Karlson's original claims were obviously bogus, but when you look at it from a BP6/8 angle (which most K's are), it's design becomes more obvious and something quite usable can be made for generally low-Qt drivers. The one thing that separates it from normal bandpass enclosures, mostly in how it's used, is that the front radiation of the driver is used above the enclosure gain bandwidth, into the midrange and sometimes fullrange. This is where it mostly can go wrong sonically.

Karlson fans used to have their own forum, as well as the old site, but most have moved here, in addition to renewed interest with XRK971's Akabak model and smaller format modern designs derived thereof.

I agree with the above recommendations to keep the 12-250TC in closed enclosures, it's Qt is a bit on the high side for vented of any sort IMO.
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Thought I would have a go at modifying the dispersion with some foam, this is where I'm at so far:

Red = on axis
Blue = 15 degrees
Green = 30 degrees

Lighter traces are with foam, dark without.


  • 0_15_30 degees with and without foam.jpg
    0_15_30 degees with and without foam.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 713
OK, a few early observations.
The rising response as seen on the published FR plot, is of no consequence in a real room situation. Angling the speakers to fire straight ahead in combination with half space placement deals with it nicely.

In hi-fi terms, coloration is low; remarkably low for a full-range driver, the presentation is nice and smooth overall and bass is quick, agile and even, though ultimate extension is lacking. They might go a bit lower as the suspension breaks in; other full-rangers develop more bottom end as they run in, so I don't expect this one to be any different.

Vocals are very very good, as are saxes, strings, brass, electric guitar and Hammond organ. A relaxing listen, free from wince inducing moments.'s at the top end where these drivers show their fabulousness. How the hell do they get so high and so clean?