New 12" Full-Range: Fane 12-250TC

I've worked up a large (in terms of what many would call 'large', rather than acoustically) bass reflex design for it; F6 = 38Hz as it's a fairly well-damped rolloff to make it reasonably flexible in terms of room positioning. Down side is, as noted, it's not small, though not ridiculous either. I haven't had chance to draw it up, or get Dave to do so yet though; if you want me to do so though, I'll try. That said, given the amount of abuse I'm getting in another quarter, I'm starting to wonder whether any of this is worth the effort.

It's definitely worth the effort Scott. These really are superb drivers and are well worth working with.
Fair enough. I suppose I should list a few caveats / points to keep in mind though.

-These are physically large by most current standards, and fairly high output, or would be sans damping.

-In design terms they're derived from a traditional bass reflex, as opposed to a Small type vented box. So they're treated and tuned in that way. There are some notes in the png file.

-The box tuning and alignment has some flexibility. One method of tuning pre-Small (strictly, pre-Novak) bass reflex enclosures, which I've used here, was to staple damping material over the vent, once the basic box Fb was sorted. The design as-is assumes a layer of damping stapled over the vent. Adjust that & the internal damping to preference. Since this is a traditional box, keep it simple & use the click test (attached). Minor note there: the click test is largely to determine overhang rather than output. Here we have the option (likely need in many cases) to reduce enclosure output also, so keep in mind.

-If you put enough damping over the vent, you'll end up quasi-aperiodic. Not what I intended, but if that's what you like, great. If you want to do without, that's also fine (obviously), but the LF output will probably overpower both midband and room. It can be sealed completely as an extreme measure if desired, which will give a Q around Butterworth. One point about vent damping -fixing whatever is used in place is advisible or it will tend to beat against the duct.

-Cosmetic additions e.g. end & top caps are fine. Same goes for feet.

-This is the world's worst drawing. I have zero CAD skills & can't inflict everything on Dave, so I'm stuck with Windows Paint. Sorry.

-I've added anechoic plots from a couple of different pieces of software, but there is some variability between different software assumptions when it comes to damping, & since adjustability is part & parcel, it's a bit of a moot point per se. They give a rough idea though. I didn't include Le as it doesn't affect the behaviour of this design.

-I don't make any promises that anybody will like it.


  • Sovereign 12-250TC Trad Reflex (dv).PNG
    Sovereign 12-250TC Trad Reflex (dv).PNG
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  • Click Test.gif
    Click Test.gif
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  • Nominal alignment 01.PNG
    Nominal alignment 01.PNG
    45 KB · Views: 901
  • VB Response Fane 12-250TC.gif
    VB Response Fane 12-250TC.gif
    30.6 KB · Views: 887
  • VB Impedance Fane 12-250TC.gif
    VB Impedance Fane 12-250TC.gif
    26.1 KB · Views: 894
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You're a better drawer than me Scott.
That looks like a proper speaker!

I have a similar sized sealed cab planned for the 15 inchers I have.
Was going to do corner cabs as you know, but after putting my existing 12 inch Fanes in my room corners, playing a bass heavy track and going into the next door neighbor's house, bass could clearly be heard through the party wall; not good, so for the sake of the neighbors, I'm going to have to ditch the corner cab idea and just make a conventional 1960s sized sealed box for the 15s. :)
Small it isn't, I admit. And long may it remain so. ;) Classic US style large sealed.

Back on this, undamped response in left column, damped in right. I could keep posting lots of different plots, but this should probably be sufficient. Ran out of time to edit my post to add them, so putting them here.


  • Undamped & damped.PNG
    Undamped & damped.PNG
    53.7 KB · Views: 301
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Joined 2016
Paid Member
If more is good, too much is just right. ;)

As noted in the png, twin longitudinals are suggested combined with ladder / window braces. TBH, this isn't all that big a box though -it's medium sized Altec / RCA / Tannoy at best.

Thx for the design Scott!

Could I get away with a single 24mm or 30mm thickness instead of 2x18mm for the panels?
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