New Mark Audio Pluvia Seven

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Thanks guys :) I'll sneak in one more pic here:


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Joined 2001
Paid Member
- Can width be reduced any (to 130mm)? (But maintain internal volume)
- What would the best 'optional bracing' look like for a rear-firing port?

Attached. This time i looked at the actual alignment MA used, i'd have tuned a bit lower, so i revised the wide one and used this tuning for the skinny one.

When one pushes a box skinny you have to worry about early reflections coming thru the cone and giving somewhat of a cupped sound. 140mm is our lower limit for 4" drivers.



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Has anyone modelled any good floorstanding arrangements that are a bit smaller than the pensil? Was hoping for something 36-40" tall, 10" deep and 150mm wide.

If not I'll have to go ahead and model another size. The person I'm building for would appreciate a small slim floorstander.
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I am stuck between the Derwent and the "compact floorstander Mar-KenP7". Both look good to me. They will be used in a larger room but only at low volumes and with "polite" musical genres so not much punchiness is required.

On the Mar-KenP7 is that a slot port in the rear? I can't see any dimensions related to it.
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For anyone interested, I'm playing swapping a round a few pairs this afternoon to get a grasp on my new Rotel pre (RC1570) - I think I prefer its Wolfson DAC to whatever is onboard the old Joilda JD603.
Currently listening to the Pluvias in FH3, A7 in Pensil and MAOP7 in FH3. The MAOPs are pretty damned special, but at $90USD /pr ( approx 1/5th the landed cost of the MAOP) the Pluvias performance is IMHO a lot closer to the Alpairs than the CHR or CHN70 and represent a lotta bang for the buck.
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