New Mark Audio Pluvia Seven

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Should I be worried about soldering with the P7? I'm using the 4% silver stuff...

Just pre-tin and don't use any thicker wire than #20 for internal wiring, and you shouldn't be there long enough to worry about softening the wiring tabs' molded retaining clips. If however, they do soften a bit, just lightly clamp them with needle nose pliers while cooling. Our first pair of Alpair 5.2 protos were swapped between 5 or 6 enclosures, and I found that to work well.
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Operation Stealth Solder successful. 16ga. pre-tinned wire. I threw together a speaker and listened briefly with a very crappy A/V receiver. Promising...


  • P7 solder.JPG
    P7 solder.JPG
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I ran a quick measurement of the speaker. I'm showing with and without 6 bands of parametric eq and with a 1/12 oct. frequency dependent window. Unfortunately, there is a pretty severe breakup at 20.5khz that makes the impulse response look ugly. I don't think it's an audible issue. I did some listening (just one speaker) with the eq as shown along with a Linkwitz transform and some linear phase baffle step compensation. It sounds really good.


  • P7 eq &no eq 12th oct fdw.jpg
    P7 eq &no eq 12th oct fdw.jpg
    72.3 KB · Views: 460
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