New Markaudio Drivers

Peerless 830870 not Scan.

This is what i gave Chris (there are also cut plans)


Crazy build. No wonder you don't wish to repeat it. Why use 4" woofers? Wouldn't larger woofers fit?

What is the purpose of the sloped rear brace?
Why did you choose two exits for the woofers?
Joined 2001
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We choose the 830870 because we had found it suitable for the woofT that goes with the µSize trapezoid. But yes, in retrispect the W14 we like would also fit into about the same volume.

What you suggest is a brace is the back wall. The line had to be “twisted” to accomodate the front line.

2 vents are often used instead of one. Using 2 in this case was a cosmetic decision.

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Noting the date on the drawing, that was almost 10yrs agoo_O

have you got a photo of the rear view to depict the upper portion of the back wall of mid-bass section?

also, the dual terminus made for convenient hand holds on an otherwise rather awkward enclosure - did you ever get a weight on them once the sold cladding was applied?
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Hello all! I have a question regarding the MarkAudio Alpair 7MS & 11MS

I am wondering about this: if the 7MS is more compact, cheaper, is reported to have superior mid/treble performance, and has deeper bass extension, what would compel someone to buy the 11MS? Just, higher output? (Not meaning to speak ill of the 11MS, I have spent all day gawking at how cool a driver it is! It just seems to me that the 7MS has it beat on almost every level)

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Pretty much. The ability to fill a larger space with more scale to the music, depending on the enclosure. It's a nice driver.

Fair enough! Haha. Thanks!

By the way, does anyone know if there are any measurements of the 11MS (and 7MS) that are more extensive than what is provided on the MarkAudio site?

I would love to see measurements of everything, but in particular I'm very interested to know the off axis performance of the 11MS.
I know right. I want unity horns. Not gonna happen while living in a townhouse (still better than a shoebox, but yeah...).
We apartment dwellers could use some sympathy. I do not understand how real estate can sell for $1000-1500 per sq ft. in a country where the per capita GDP is $2000 per year. Horns and other box boxes are out of the question for us.
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