Official M2 schematic

Here is my first attempt om a balanced M2-DCB1 combo, thanks to previous modeling posts and encouragement.

I found the Edcor settings on a .rs website with these parameters
Edcor PC600/15K (1:5)
pr. : 44Rdc, 240mH (600R)
sec. : 235Rdc, 5.7H (15k)
My trafos are already mounted so I can't measure them to verify, I hope they are correct, they model 1:5 voltage amplification fine.

I am still puzzled by the signal grounds in LTspice vs. no ground ref on a real balanced signal, and the volume control...
I made a complete working M2 SE model first, and than I simplified the M2 schematic and mirrored it with F5X signal input resistors. Next step would be a complete balanced model.

Any advice is welcome...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Have you made any progress? I would be interested in an "M2-X."
Perhaps like this?


  • M2-X.jpg
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No real progress, I must do some reading on symmetrical/differential/balanced signals, grounding to get a better understanding (I'm reading the BP "The G-word" document). The main issues I see are the volume control (as least good as my SE LDR) and/or input resistors, and the things I don't see...

I'am balancing my DAC first, the M2-X (or F6-X) amp will take a couple of months. I use the Aleph-J in the mean time.

The LTspice model from post #1190 works..., TeaBag has a new group buy open for the M2.

I also hope to get some advice.

Have you made any progress? I would be interested in an "M2-X."
Perhaps like this?
I finally finished my M2 using Mr. Grimberg's very nice boards. I used 47K for R6, DC offset very low near 0 mV. I'm burning it in now in my garage, I'll compare it to my F6 later after it has some time on it. First impressions are dead quite, and it does have a different presentation than the F6. With the F6 my first impression was of the tremendous grip it has in the bass region, with the M2 after all of 5 minutes I don't get the same feeling, but the vocals seem very live/real. I used the 400 mm version of the 4U chassis from the DIY audio store.



  • M2 front.jpg
    M2 front.jpg
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  • M2 back.jpg
    M2 back.jpg
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  • M2 top.jpg
    M2 top.jpg
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Joined 2003
Paid Member
I finally finished my M2 using Mr. Grimberg's very nice boards. I used 47K for R6, DC offset very low near 0 mV. I'm burning it in now in my garage, I'll compare it to my F6 later after it has some time on it. First impressions are dead quite, and it does have a different presentation than the F6. With the F6 my first impression was of the tremendous grip it has in the bass region, with the M2 after all of 5 minutes I don't get the same feeling, but the vocals seem very live/real. I used the 400 mm version of the 4U chassis from the DIY audio store.


MyM2 was odd sounding at first, give it a while and it should transform into your favorite First Watt!
