OPA based Ultra Low noise VREF for DAC

If you are filtering the noise of the reference then it mostly doesn't matter what you are using as the reference, except at low frequencies where your filter may not be effective.

the increase of the CAP was dramatical for BASS. As I have written earlier it completely cleaned up.

at the beginning we had an argument with Mark, I didn't want to decrease the output R to 0, since instability, filtering, max current consideration. and it was not possible with NE5532.
But with the LME49720 I could and had the same effect as the CAP increase.
(basically both together helped to have a really nice bass structure)
Hi babolcs

How is it going with you 3.3 power supply?

Have you tried opa1 with lme49710/720 instead of opa134?
If so also with other power supply than salas shunt?
Thinking that a lme49710 opa1 feeding a lme49720 opa2 as power supply the lme49710 high PSSR will then do hard work so the whole circuit could be supplied with a lm7815 maybe?