Oppo Sonica DAC

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Yes indeed, this it seems to be the right explanation of the Oppo design and the use of the new Sabre DAC chip in Sonica. All those who was thinking Sonica it benefit of all 9038Pro output channels, took it wrong (myself too). The hope is now that we may have active the two grounded channels. I will check soon this aspect...
Completed the Upgrading jobs !! (For the moment):D:D Replaced the Rectifier Bridges with Schottky Diodes. Replaced in the 12V dual power stage the 6800uF capacitors with 22000uF and 1000uF capacitors with 4700uF, 100nF bypasses were all provided. Replaced +/- 12V regulators with very low noise modules. Removed original 100MHz Oscillator and replaced with module CRYSTEK CCHD-950, thanks to an air desoldering station (purchased on Amazon at 117 €) in 30 seconds with a temperature of 280 ° C, it was very easy to remove the metal screen, it is recommended to have it not to make disasters !! Previously performed, change to decoupling capacitors by replacing the original 100uF with PANASONIC OS-CON with parallel WIMA from 1uF type MKP1 Remove the 3.6 uH inductors in series to the output signal after the relays and bridged with tin drop. Placed with mini heat sink pad on the ESS9038 chip.


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Well, the original power management of Sonica it gave me some serious headaches. The device would not want to accept my LPS. Finally I figured it out.
Now they are working well together. The sound so with only the LPS in place is just exceptional. It will follow now the clock board, and my fully differential output module. The work is ongoing...


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As expected, the grounded DAC output channels are not active.
So, for Sonica as well, the SabrePro chip is configured to output only on two channels pairs (XLR/RCA). The only possible improvement in this case is unifying these two channel pairs.
Sad enough Oppo have chosen to use this so performant DAC chip on half of its output capabilities...
I am really amazed that OPPO has made the decision not to use these outputs of the DAC !!
SONICA could have reached very high audio levels.
I assume they can not be activated in hardware mode.
But deciding to use only the balanced output, how can you add the DAC channels related to the unbalanced outputs ??
Are you thinking about this operation in your upgradings ??
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I agree, a very stupid design, when using both ESS9018 and 9038Pro chips. In Oppo players two of the DAC chip output pairs are wasted for headphone. Even more stupid in Sonica, the two channel pairs are just grounded and not mapped by software (firmware).
A possible explanation of this design in case of Sonica (as mentioned above in wealas post), is that the ESS9038Pro it need a particularly analog output circuit. This new design didn`t want Oppo to design, or they did not know how to do it. So they used the same old circuit, since 105 model.... Bad!
However, this old circuit it can be adapted to receive two of the ESS9038Pro channel pairs (paralleled). I did this experiment with good results. Maybe Oppo didn`t...
So, in Sonica they could map two and two channel pairs, one pair for XLR and the second pair for RCA. They chosen to ground it...

Unifying the two channel pairs either for 9018, or 9038Pro, I do currently (as standard) in my mods. Then I connect my output module to the unified differential channels, and this module it then split the DAC analogue out to XLR and RCA. I do it the same for Sonica a s well.
Unifying the DAC output channels is quite simple: just connect together DAC-A outputs in between, and DAC-B together as well.
Well, the further original circuits have to be modified a little bit to fit with the two output channels paralleled... If the original analogue post DAC circuits are used with paralleled DAC outputs, a decision about either XLR or RCA out have to be also taken.
If you can find the i2c lines to the DAC chip you can probably use a small arduino module to change the channel mappings after the factory controller configures the chip. Might have to monitor the i2c line state to determine when the factory controller is not talking to the chip or just try few times until you get it to change.
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Well, of course there are solutions to fix this. Going into the firmware it may be a tremendous work... And I am not quite familiar with such things. And in the end one should flash the custom firmware to make it work this fix...
However, it works very well the Oppo`s handicapped ESS9038Pro chips, with only two paralleled channels... If they will come back in business, they may supposedly do things better...
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Joined 2009
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My fully upgraded Sonica...

New and fully linear power supply, clock board battery powered, improved DAC power system, and the fully differential (OPA1632 based) output module for both RCA and XLR out (the two available DAC output pairs are tied together). Also some improvements on USB input board. WiFi/Bluetooth module is dismissed in this device.

New clock system it use two SAW oscillators (54Mhz divided for 27Mhz digital clock, and 100Mhz clock for DAC chip.
Very surprisingly the clock system upgrade it is decisive for the final touch in sound quality improvement. I did it this clock replacement in the end, after all upgrades it were in place. Lifting in sound quality after replacing the DAC oscillator, it is obvious.
How it sound all this? Over all expectations...

P.S. The picture hereby it was taken with the device in function. Therefore are placed the small heatsinks on the LPS regulators. Else, the LPS heatsink it will be the cover of the enclosure (thermal contact by thermal pads).


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Hi Coris, having already modified the power supplies with low noise modules, I'm very interested in your differential output module XLR-RCA. Are you able to sell (and at what price) this module in assembly kit or preassembled ?? Can you please anticipate an assembly scheme with the modifications to be performed on the SONICA ?? Thank you so much
Joined 2009
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Hi Coris, having already modified the power supplies with low noise modules, I'm very interested in your differential output module XLR-RCA. Are you able to sell (and at what price) this module in assembly kit or preassembled ?? Can you please anticipate an assembly scheme with the modifications to be performed on the SONICA ?? Thank you so much

You have a PM.
Joined 2009
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Haha! Very nice Coris. How does it sound?
I see you changed the caps too. What values?
Did you change the bridges to Schottkeys?

Ups! I see now that my post above it is in wrong place. It should be on the players thread...As I cannot delete it, I will put it again in the right place. So, I suggest we continue there the discussion on this subject...

Here we shall continue on Sonica subject...
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Here I see great level of knowledge !

So I think you can clarify a simple doubt (I'm crossing my fingers for the answer to be yes)
For some reason that I do not know, the access password through the smart phone is not recognized by the device.
(It's written on a piece of paper, so I do not think it's the wrong password)
I have tried restoring factory settings, but it did not work.

Is there a way to recover the password or to enter a new one ?

Thank you in advance and Happy New Year ! ;)