Papa’s slot loaded open baffle version #2

Some progress made on the prototype, it makes music. No measurements yet, using the values from Papa's Cube full range schematic. Spent as much time trying to work on techniques for finishing the wood, baffle turned out decent, frame for 15" needs some work.


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Sounds great, but early days for sure. I only fiddled with basic tones (40-80 hz on low end and 1khz on high) and an iphone app to set the levels. Used what I had on hand for plywood and didn't know how it would turn out, so I only built one channel for now. Planning on measuring/tweaking this before finalizing the second channel of the cross over.

Cutting board is Waynes BA2018 (supplied by VRDN) and ACN supplied by little 24V SMPS (yes, slowdiyer's design). Had a muses volume control on there, but keeps giving me trouble, so it was replaced with a PEC pot.
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