Parasound JC3 Phono

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Scott, your AD797 sounded OK. It was just twice the price of something else that sounded as good (although slightly different) Another op amp failed to sound good at all. I hope to try others in future, including some AD parts. IF the AD825 were significantly quieter, I would use it over all others. Thanks Scott, for providing me with these parts in mini-dip form, so many years ago.

I found a small stash that I'm keeping for a while. I think these days FET vs bipolar would be the big difference rather than topology. The schematics are so full of superfluous devices, I don't think they would tell you much because the processes are so fast simple topologies and lots of feedback works.

The most interesting stuff is in our RF amps (useless for audio) -100dB THD @100MHz using low feedback and stage by stage linearization.
Ok, what I want is a single diff pair jfet input, with folded cascode pnp on each output, then one side of the cascode going into a current mirror, the other cascode connecting to the output directly, and the current mirror also connecting to the output. This will give a high impedance (current out) output, that can drive a PARALLELED RC time constant, consisting of a .047uf cap and 1600 ohms (or so) that will constitute the first 75us time constant of the RIAA. Give it a shot, if you will.
Something like this, John?

Edit: Output compliance will not be great as Q5 is not cascoded.

Also, I worry about the distortion contribution of Q5 and Q8 due to variation of beta etc with collector voltage. For power amps, my simulator tells me this sort of thing is significant. For small signal circuits, maybe not. Then again, maybe it's just in the sim's imagination.

Maybe there are noise issues too ...especially around R3,4,5,6?


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I simm'ed the first stage.. get a gain off app 50 dB and quite low distortion...-75 db, nice distribution also.. distortion figures improve when run on higher voltage tried 15 24 and 28 V, but noise may increase... took 7 mA through the fets and 10 mA through the cascode...Nice
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Sounds like a good compromise, Miib. The focus here is to pass fast pulses through the input stage, without severely compromising the audio portion of the circuit. This is one of the reasons why I need high slew rate IC's, the higher the better, but even that is not enough.
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