Presenting the Trynergy - a full range tractrix synergy.

Hi Yes the trips in USA are most long distance, when I hear New-York is as big as half holland, and people here complaine if work is 40 km away.

Iko I have tryed to get it in akabak, however how did you do put the ports for bass, where to change that I have make the horn parts for akabak less because I think it is enough however akabak complaining that throat is bigger then mouth, the table for it I get not yet the hang of it.

I presume the table has to be the tractrix itselfs and the others the conical part.

I mean this table who did give error, and how can I change to cm, you have do it to inches do akabak calculate that 5000 * 0.00254?)
like this port part.

BR_dia=6*0.0254; | BR port dia inches
BR_len=15.0*0.0254; | BR port length inches

and this tractrix part.

S1T=0.00450000; S1M=0.00420000; L1=0.0147;
S2T=0.004200000; S2M=0.001085000; L2=0.0980;
S3T=0.001085000; S3M=0.015300000; L3=0.01666;
S4T=0.015300000; S4M=0.018700000; L4=0.02191;
S5T=0.018700000; S5M=0.021430000; L5=0.02613;
S6T=0.021430000; S6M=0.023700000; L6=0.02963; | Bass front horn injection point at 24.88cm, node=56 (this one where is the changes to put in?).

it is just part, is this just meters? I need meters what is not so difficult because akabak is metric you say, to get
inches you need akabak calculate that with the formulas you put in.

So if i have this I can do further sims, I have put two extra conical parts and tractrix parts extra.

Hope you understand me, this technical stuff some complicated in english.


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I have look some better on it, I understand now what to do with tractrix table, the error is because the tractrix get after throat some smaller and then wider again, here akabak do not like that and give error throat bigger then mouth.

Hoe did you overcame this, because that smaller part seems very important for the horn.


When waveguide element contracts you make throat always smaller than mouth but label nodes backwards.

Where 11 is mouth 10 is throat but flow is 11 to 10.

I have did it this way using your existing table, just put some extra, however the tractrix has a smaller part after throat (important you say) and there akabak complains, I did see that you start at mouth with distance throat mouth?.

part of yours what is this ? mm or inches? because 0.007076077 is 7.076077 mm in my eyes. and 0.01865877 is 1.865877 cm. if things here are meters.

S1T=0.005041000; S1M=0.007076077; L1=0.0519;
S2T=0.007076077; S2M=0.009688764; L2=0.0479;
S3T=0.009688764; S3M=0.013530724; L3=0.0506;
S4T=0.013530724; S4M=0.01865877; L4=0.0483;
S5T=0.01865877; S5M=0.026128549; L5=0.0501;
S6T=0.026128549; S6M=0.037115109; L6=0.0514; | Bass front horn injection point at 24.88cm, node=56

mine is in attachment for download, and if you have your horn table on paper from volvotreter I can see what I missing here. alsdo the bass injection ports where are these distances. a lot of questions but need these to learn the idea behind akabak. is there not a program who can simulate this horns? like paid programs.

thanks for help.


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The table dimensions use akabak default units of meters. So 0.007 is 7mm. For bass injection ports, choose the node that corresponds to where the port is located. Then use that node to specify the injection port node. Using the "Duct" element with node=x=y where x is node of chamber formed by driver face and y is node of tractrix horn element where you want to inject.
I have get some wood and look at how to do it, it is not so easy because along the horn dimensions change in degree.

I think build some day a cnc router 3 meter by 2 meter for this kind of things.

Now I have to file it. but maybe some here has some more beautifull ideas.




  • tractrix-1.jpg
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I have tryed to print the design on paper for further work but do this with sketchup on the right size is remarkable complicated and not preciese.

who have experience with it, export to autocad did also not work, also here measurements are way out of line.

XRK9721 do you have the table with measurements from volvotreter? so I can see what to do more easy in akabak.

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The table is on my computer that is being repaired. Basically used Volvotreter's spreadsheet with 3.75in square throat and 175Hz low frequency which have mouth size of 30in wide. I then simply scaled that drawing to get a 2.0in throat for the 3in driver. I pulled of measurements every inch or so get the data into akabak.

Remember how I said to save yourself trouble and just scale my drawing? You see why I said that now. It took me a couple of weeks to work this all out and to draw it in Solidworks. Not trivial.

I will get you table when I get my computer back.
The table is on my computer that is being repaired. Basically used Volvotreter's spreadsheet with 3.75in square throat and 175Hz low frequency which have mouth size of 30in wide. I then simply scaled that drawing to get a 2.0in throat for the 3in driver. I pulled of measurements every inch or so get the data into akabak.

Remember how I said to save yourself trouble and just scale my drawing? You see why I said that now. It took me a couple of weeks to work this all out and to draw it in Solidworks. Not trivial.

I will get you table when I get my computer back.

It is not problem for me to make from scratch it's also fun, I did that already completely in sketchup, but problem was the draw program who print things wrong dimensions, thought that pc was more precise but for I need a apple. the rest is not so difficult to do, I do try some others also.

I download slodworks to see what it does, I have no autocad. and I go look at te printer it looks it has own scale function activated hp 4100 TN postcript.

Thanks for your help so far,

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Welll after a evening of if not succeed try try try again I did have succes
to find out why sketchup did not print well, now I have 5 pages with parts of the horn
exact 45 mm throat and such, now I can draw the horn on the panels.

What a problem making it so difficult in sketchup, the printer itself was not the cause
these bulkprinter do wel for his age..

Drawn the horn with sketchup take me one hour 26 minutes with 34 steps..

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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I hope I did not hijjack this threat? it is so quit, but oke I have make the drawns and can sawdust them and form the horn itself also with a template of strong wood and very thin mdf or plywood.

Great progress! Why would you think you are hijacking this thread? You are building a Trynergy - from scratch, what could be more on topic?! Please keep up the great work and I am looking forward to your completion.
Good luck!
Great progress! Why would you think you are hijacking this thread? You are building a Trynergy - from scratch, what could be more on topic?! Please keep up the great work and I am looking forward to your completion.
Good luck!

Oke thanks happy that it is not the case, I go on.

but first i go try to get the hornshape in akabak, I do now how for some extense but need still to get out how to some things there.

My horn is taller then yours, 52 cm in stead of 30 cm and shorter 46 cm versa 52 of yours. this because it fit better in a corner here but do not now if it get also higher to 20 Khz so I need first akabak learning..

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I have discover something why I can not put input right in akabak.

I have build my horn different, yours has a different draw also, this because I did cut out the conical up and down part and put horn flare on sides of that cuts.

your drawn is therefore different then mine, so I need some help how to put this now into akabak, akabak complain you now when after throat the horn get smaller like it is for a small part in this horn, you now that important part just after throat.