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Primrose(SumR Audio) Toroid GB

I have pooled all the data(slightly late, as it was my wife's birthday) and will send Monday to Richard. Going out of town on business for 3 days, but will post any news from Richard ,as I get it. He told me that it would depend on order size and current log of work. He gave me a time frame, but I would prefer to wait until it is official. A lot of folks will be waiting on prjects for this, so I will do all that I can to move it along quickly. Thank you to all for your participation and I hope we will all be enjoying quality transformers soon.
My understanding is that they should be of a higher quality. I have had multiple people confirm that they are indeed a very nice transformer. EUVL spec'd them in his F5X build. I cannot provide proof, just pass on comments. Primrose is a Audio division of SumR. Audio is what they do.