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Primrose(SumR Audio) Toroid GB


I assume the GB is now closed, so no chance of sneaking in some trafos from my side?

I tried going direct to Primrose, but the shipping is enormous.

This was Richard's quote to me:

Transformer: Cdn $ 162/e.

Postage to Strand, 7140, South Africa,

Two methods through Canada post:

1) Air mail: Cdn $ 226.00 .

2) Surface Mail ( transit time much longer) $ 116.00.
We live in a society that has been trained for same day delivery. In reality, that is a fairly modern notion. I am most certainly slanted that way. I can only give updates and don't remember saying this was quick alternative. I bought these for quality, as they will be going in my final amps. I believe they are worth the wait. I understand the excitement, but think you may be surprised how long it tskes to actually get these amps built.
I guess I should not have posted... I had that thought when I saw the date. Definitely not a complaint in any way, just got a chuckle out it when I thought of it and wanted to share.
I have not purchased heatsinks yet, still saving for them. I am very happy to have been able to get in on this, believe me!! I probably would not have considered these and here I am buying several!
Words cannot express how grateful I am to folks like buzzforb. Without you I would not have the opportunity to get these fine, fine things.