Pumpkin Preamp - Perfect for F4

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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porn for steen

steenoe said:
On a totally different note, I have some of the unobtainable Toshiba 2SK369V's, so I have you all racing me and you will never get even near.................he-he-he The 2SK369V's are the finest regarded Toshiba's ever:cool: He-he, just had to say it!


I forgot to say that you was ONE who ordered this preamp, somewhere in one of @#$%!!$whateverBOSOZ thread.......

anyway - instead of today's crummy scan- just one pic


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> On a totally different note, I have some of the unobtainable Toshiba 2SK369V's, so I have you all racing me and you will never get even near.................he-he-he The 2SK369V's are the finest regarded Toshiba's ever He-he, just had to say it!


I make it a habbit of not posting anything just to p*** people off, but I could not resist replying to this .....

I have 100 pcs each of 2SK369Vs & BLs sitting in my stock for at least half a year, at 40 cents each. See who is racing who !!!

Next time before you post something similar, beware Big Brother is watching .......


Zen Mod said:
talkin' about sissy 369s

Just about when i was going to show you some high Idss 2SJ61/2SK194 duallies i realised they don't come in V grade.

Steen already had to go through the ordeal of finding out that he also hits the ground faster than his shadow when he does the bungy thing.
It looks like you guys prefer him to remain a shadow amper.

Care to explain the darlington, Chokester ?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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jacco vermeulen said:

Just about when i was going to show you some high Idss 2SJ61/2SK194 duallies i realised they don't come in V grade.

Steen already had to go through the ordeal of finding out that he also hits the ground faster than his shadow when he does the bungy thing.
It looks like you guys prefer him to remain a shadow amper.

Care to explain the darlington, Chokester ?

it's completely possible to decrease current through LTP and use whatever you (or someone else ) want , off course with slight recalculate of drain resistors ; in any case - going with less than 10mA through LTP is sissy thing .......

bunjee was just a joke
in fact - steen is just tired hangin' with greedy boyz :devilr:

darlington - better current stability in "load-no load" testing ,comparing to variant with mosfet as shunt device
Nightly opensource listning session ... :D

I had been listning to a lot of different music today, e.g The classic RogerWater's live, chopper... teacher etc... Guitars, pop, Madonna :bigeyes: , George Michael etc...
I am not in doubt any more, this pre. is really giving 'punch' to my setup. Difficult to explain, but in partnership with my F4's the Bass is 100% controlled, which i never heard before on my spk's ! all thing's which 'used' to sound a bit irritating is suddently become alive.
I am not the owner of the best listning ear's but what i hear doe's not cheat me nor does the music :D ... Pumpkin rules ----> BUT, i hate to admit, but i have an issue.

After 1hour warm up, the thing is approx. 5 degrees above ambient temperature (not enough i know), it's very difficult to adjust 100%, The DC-offset between GND and +/- out (before cap's) are not completly stable.. swings a bit up and down, the same ofcause with DC-offset between + and - out. After output cap's the voltage is rather low, within 1 - 20-30mV. so i guess this is acceptable but i don't know for sure.

What do you think ZenMod ?, is it due to my heatsink's to big for now, or is there another issue for this instable condtion ? Or should i just try decrease my sink's to half size ? -- Thank's anyway ZenMod, really great work you have done here . really...

Btw: Steen is in good mood, but still having probs. with his arm/shoulder, heal up my pal Steen ! :)


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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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lykkedk said:
Nightly opensource listning session ... :D

I had been listning to a lot of different music today, e.g The classic RogerWater's live, chopper... teacher etc... Guitars, pop, Madonna :bigeyes: , George Michael etc...
I am not in doubt any more, this pre. is really giving 'punch' to my setup. Difficult to explain, but in partnership with my F4's the Bass is 100% controlled, which i never heard before on my spk's ! all thing's which 'used' to sound a bit irritating is suddently become alive.
I am not the owner of the best listning ear's but what i hear doe's not cheat me nor does the music :D ... Pumpkin rules ----> BUT, i hate to admit, but i have an issue.

After 1hour warm up, the thing is approx. 5 degrees above ambient temperature (not enough i know), it's very difficult to adjust 100%, The DC-offset between GND and +/- out (before cap's) are not completly stable.. swings a bit up and down, the same ofcause with DC-offset between + and - out. After output cap's the voltage is rather low, within 1 - 20-30mV. so i guess this is acceptable but i don't know for sure.

What do you think ZenMod ?, is it due to my heatsink's to big for now, or is there another issue for this instable condtion ? Or should i just try decrease my sink's to half size ? -- Thank's anyway ZenMod, really great work you have done here . really...

Btw: Steen is in good mood, but still having probs. with his arm/shoulder, heal up my pal Steen ! :)

my dear penguine (better not to use "greedy danske" :devilr: ) .........

you seems haven't any issue , from multiple reasons ..........

first - just for record - you must measure any steady condition (as Iq and offset are) without any signal,and with pot on zero .

second- you can't have any DC offset after output caps ,just because that's impossible ... at least if you made F4 right from the book,with 1K in series with input ,and 47K to gnd .

third - this type of circuit is , as any other , result of compromises and decisions in construction..... I decide with clear mind (if that sentence is ever applicable to me) that I don't want just another UGS ,or (God forbid!) BT based circuit ; inherent symetric (both up-down and left-right ) structure of both mentioned circts results in somewhat more predictable and easier to maintain DC behavior than :Pumpkin: ;

that both from initial power up state and later , during warm up and also later-= when temperature equilibrium is reached .

one also ( often neglected) important issue in making Papalike (simple) gadgets is - necessity to preserve steady temperature and air circulation conditions ; that's -at least for me - visible in all his Serv. Manuals ,starting form Treshold era ........ you can almost read between the lines : "do not breath,poor bstrd!!" .........

so - you can't laugh in front of :Pumpkin: without closed case!
even not sneeze , or cry or dance with your better half ...
nothing of that if distance between you and your new toy isn't more than 20" ......... and expect that poor critters have same temperature-read current-read voltage- all the time .

make a case , put lid on , power it up,let them critters cook for a while and then pull lid off and wiggle with WRs.........
put lid on, wait a cigarette time,then remeasure ........... just then you can expect that offset values can be steady ........... I repeat - with case .

one thing is sure - I can do that (and first intention was exactly that ) to make :Pumpkin: without output caps ; but later was clear that I can't have topology like this without output caps or without DC servo . that servo must be effective for both outputs to gnd and between them,with same time constants blah blah
what is less evil?
I think caps , in first place tnx to X in it,even if output caps aren't in feedback loop .
in second place - I'm not the one who is against caps ,no matter what price for avoiding them is ;

hehe- -maybe main reason is that making audio gadgets isn't my main occupation , so I can't (almost ) freely hangin' all day and night solving few trivial issues .......... as servo certainly is example of that.

trivial at least for Papa ; not for me ; yet .

still - I'm old fart, but not yet that old :devilr:

in any case - again - :worship: to Papa .........probably exactly because his way of deserving that is as much relaxed as I can imagine it .........

greedy danske.......... your sixpack bill is growing ......... you urge me lately to type somewhat more than my usual one or few liners.....

so -any mistake is (almost) intentional :devilr:

and , yes - you can cut those ribs in half ......... let them burn your fingers .......... almost :clown:
First thing... thanks for a very nice and clear explanation. just as i throught, due to my (sometimes) strange and dumb quistion, that i wasent taken seriousily, you yell the oppisite to me, well i appreciate that a lot.

All is clear to me, expect few thing's (sortoff backward) :

second- you can't have any DC offset after output caps ,just because that's impossible ... at least if you made F4 right from the book,with 1K in series with input ,and 47K to gnd .
I am not meassuring anything with F4 hooked up, only meassure DC-offset on pumpkin

first - just for record - you must measure any steady condition (as Iq and offset are) without any signal,and with pot on zero .
Yep with pot on zero - zero signal , i do!

you seems haven't any issue , from multiple reasons ..........
Sounds nice to me... well i can also tell from sonic, that's its not all wrong ;)

AND this

mentioned circts results in somewhat more predictable and easier to maintain DC behavior than :Pumpkin: ;

This leads me to, not to worry about it so much... As i read between youre lines, that you are supposed to see some pendling with voltages etc... except eg. in total 'clean' condition... which i surely not have done yet, as my case isen't finish.

Have a nice weekend - Tomorrow more listning :devilr: yeeha.. looking forward having beer with freind's / listning before going to big-party in town :) :) :)
