Pumpkin Preamp - Perfect for F4

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
lykkedk said:
I am not meassuring anything with F4 hooked up, only meassure DC-offset on pumpkin..

that's certainly some gremlin in your room :devilr: ; you put R27 and R29 in?

This leads me to, not to worry about it so much... As i read between youre lines, that you are supposed to see some pendling with voltages etc... except eg. in total 'clean' condition... which i surely not have done yet, as my case isen't finish.

not between the lines but exactly in them :clown: - do not worry at all .

for that type of circ that's completely normal behavior ;

measuring between outputs (before output caps) offset is low right from the cold, but offset between any output and gnd is starting from 1/2 or 1/3 of positive voltage and it's slowly decreasing during warm up .

that's why caps are there ; purist will certainly think about implementing even input caps....... not me :devilr:

.........well i can also tell from sonic, that's its not all wrong ;)

I hope .............. :D


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what's with your today's listening test?

without that , you will not see the pics

Beware !
Remember :
that's certainly some gremlin in your room ; you put R27 and R29 in?

Wrong ??????????????????????
I have R27/R29 on my circuit ! In fact my pcb's are made excatly from schematic...
Is it right / wrong ???

And today's listning goes on right now... had to goto party soon :drink:

:Pumpkin: play's near 110dB :D :D i guess right now... had to run now seya'...

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
specimens for Burning Amp Fest

so- I promised to AR2 that I'l send him :Pumpkin: for Burning F4 and what else.......

unfortunately - from objective reasons reg pcbs are not finished yet , so Mr. AR2 will receive just 1/3 of :Pumpkin: ......... entire story is really complete only with those regs .

anyway , few pics right from the bench, without special lighting ; I am just too tired to arrange proper light ......



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