SB Acoustics Textreme

But the symphatetic members that measure drivers ? I will have a look towards local enthusiasts diy club all over the world. USA has the biggest number with websites/forums, personal pages, north of Europe & Germany have some. But AudioXPress, Voice Coils reviews there are also the german reviews about drivers. Basicly I trust them all cause all are enthusiasts involved. There are also guys who share .zrd files, spl curves . Even if not made in anechoic chamber that is very helpfull. Many thanks to them. I assume when the Textrenes from Satori pop up we will have numerous measurments.

I wisch to see HD curves like Beyma do with a lot of courage imho from others manufacterers. I liked a lot what MarkK made, don't find again his site n the wayback machine... but it was years ago... I miss guys like Zaph and him, hopefully some members here continue the good job.
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Joined 2019
I'm hoping for a 4 inch true full range; 100 Hz to 10 KHz with almost NO break-up mode. I like a very wide band mid; 300 Hz to 6 KHz usable FR is my ideal. On the FR forum; many gurus seem to like the MAOP Mark Audio the best:

MAOP 7 | Markaudio

I would try the new Accuton "cell" but I tend to avoid ANY driver with a nasty break-up mode; even those above 20 KHz

Accuton Cell C90-6-724 5" Ceramic Midrange

Regardless of cone material; my opinion is that the 4 to 5 inch is the optimum size for the most critical mid band. Smaller diameters don't do bass as well and larger diameters don't do upper mids and treble as well (exceptions to this of course).
Accuton cell C90 break up is manageable. Its one of the best midrange imo. Approx 4.75"
Peerless corundum mid dome wd be nice yes. Big gap in market for it. The only issue w the current large tweet is high mms.
Anyway, seriously tempted to try the textreme 4 ohm 6.5". It has the right parameters to meet a ribbon, just enough sensitivity. Just enough bass extension for a decent 2 way. Shallow cone is good off axis and pistonic behaviour seems under control
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Joined 2019
Accuton cell C90 break up is manageable. Its one of the best midrange imo. Approx 4.75"
Peerless corundum mid dome wd be nice yes. Big gap in market for it. The only issue w the current large tweet is high mms.
Anyway, seriously tempted to try the textreme 4 ohm 6.5". It has the right parameters to meet a ribbon, just enough sensitivity. Just enough bass extension for a decent 2 way. Shallow cone is good off axis and pistonic behaviour seems under control

Usually; 2-ways don't do it for me but; as you mention above; it might be just right for a larger ribbon. I have some AC G3Si ribbons that are needing a really good mid-bass; maybe you just helped me decide on my next 2-way!??

I'll wait for others to evaluate and test first; THEN, maybe the price will start to drop...I still think a 4 to 5 inch true full range would be a dream come true. Mark Audio and Fostex have nice sounding FR for sure but I want something that has more MUSCLE; like a small woofer and mid combination with a very wide band. (Usable from 300 Hz to 6 KHz)
Did someone tried to simulate enclosure with current known T&S parameters?
I've used VituixCAD this is the 4pi response (Added simulated baffle step)


Looks promising: in 20L@35Hz, it reach F3@40hz ! Maybe I'll try an upper frequency in order to not pull down sensitivity...

What's your simulations guys, which enclosure will you use ?
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Joined 2019
Madisound and Meniscus now showing pricing but still no stock.

For the MW16TX-4 for example:

Madisound lists $262 US each

Meniscus lists $279 US each

Solen lists $420 CA or $314 US (also no stock)

Again; I think I will wait for third party testing and hopefully a price drop.