SB Acoustics Textreme

At the sb comparison page, they look identical to the mw16p

will the textremes possibly work at an existing mw16p design?


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I am waiting for you guys to get yours. I am going to see how you all like them. Then hopefully copy someone's design. I am not a crossover designer. I could probably do the rest
Well I have actually done the rest once previously. But I want to step up my game with a nice tower cabinet. I tend to like phase perfect designs also. I like it when I sit in the sweet spot and it is like their is suction cups holding me in the seat. Could care less what it sounds like three feet to the left or right. Want it to sound amazing sitting in the sweet spot.

So I am going to hope that someone publishes a phase at least almost perfect three way tower with high order filters. Because that's what I tend to like.
I am already considering using a set of SBA TeXtreme and Bliesma Be or Diamond in a Vivid Audio Giya G1 (series 2) inspired cabinet with active XO and individual driver amplification.
Dick incorporated everything in the Giya series, so much so that its difficult atm to produce something better.
I am already considering using a set of SBA TeXtreme and Bliesma Be or Diamond in a Vivid Audio Giya G1 (series 2) inspired cabinet with active XO and individual driver amplification.
Dick incorporated everything in the Giya series, so much so that its difficult atm to produce something better.
Sounds like a good project. I may go active. I wpuld need two more channels of amplification is all. What about some little purify plate amps for the bass maybe? Sounds interesting.
What about some little purify plate amps for the bass maybe? Sounds interesting.
I already have secured a superb class AB amplifier project which will power the midwoofer and subwoofer (at least). It could certainly be used for the tweeter and midrange since it is biased high such that the first 20W is in class A. But its not cheap to build, parts alone is $1.5-2K per amplifier. So I am looking at alternative class A amps which is a bit cheaper. First Watt F-4 or F-5 is of interest.

So no class D. Had my eye's on Purifi, so if... IF I go class D, its only for the subwoofer.