SB Acoustics Textreme

Voice Coil September Issue.

Test of the TeXtreme tweeter


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Joined 2019
71/2” SATORI MW19TX-8 / TeXtreme – Sbacoustics

Coming soon according to SB site. I think two of these 8 Ohm, 7 1/2 inch in parallel would be an extremely good sounding woofer section for a 3-way tower. Maybe even WMTMW??? I have done that before; great results with twin 8's, twin 4's and a ribbon tweet at ear height. One of my best sounding efforts in over 50 years at this crazy hobby. Hoping for a TX12 or 13 next up!!!
I surmise whatever the measurments, the internal damping of both and microdetails will be diferent in real life : simply not the same cone material.

Oldspeakerguys, as you knew already one Acuton I hope the SB to be different, not as smooth sounding as a SB CRC for instance... People talk about quite neutral sound which is certainly a chimera ! We will see when the drivers beginns to arrive here and there... at this level of quality I am perhaps naive but I trust more about the motor design and T&S choices than cones material... At eual motor, I dunno... these days the drivers became too much expensive for my pockets :eek:...

People don't talk too much about the 6" SB ceramics... maybe people are afraid of high end break ups and don't want to spend the extra notch there ??? Anyway the near aluminium had very real life good review since bafled:)

Already seems that the textrene is not a Be competitor for the mids (think about the old Pioneer Be dome mid there)...

few weeks to wait now :cool:... very curious anyway ! Or I am tottaly wrong and the today price material + assembly machines makes the textrene as good as Be for that frequencies and quite cheaper !
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Joined 2019
Many people said the old Yamaha Beryllium/Copper dome mids were some of the best sounding ever; I heard them once in Japan but only briefly. Overall, I still tend to like paper the best.\less break up and good damping if well designed and constructed. I have the MA Pluvia 7PHP and SB Satori MR16P in parallel now; they really sound super fantastic together. I would hope the new TexTreme 13's would sound equally as good if not better. It is the VC, magnet, basket, surround, spider, cone material ALL that make a contribution to the overall "sound". I hope the third party testers get busy SOON! I also hope the TexTreme prices drop after maybe a year or so on the market...until then; I am happy enough with my current design (still not 100% complete)...

A new 3-way tower with twin TexTreme MW19(TX), twin MR13(TX) and maybe their newest Be horn loaded tweeter might be a design that would be very hard to beat...I would do WMTMW with the tweeter at ear height (about 1 meter when seated)...
I noticed something interesting.

5” SB15CAC30-8 - Mms 10.7 g - Cms 1.88 mm/N - Magnetic flux density 1.0 T - Magnet weight 0.54 kg
5″ SATORI MW13TX-8 - Mms 7.3 g - Cms 2.19 mm/N - Magnetic flux density 1.08 T - Magnet weight 0.1 kg


I am working on my transient perfect loudspeaker .... so, yeah...