Scottmoose and planet10, this is for us - the Calhoun.

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Service in Europe is a funny thing. Not like the States at all! Speaking of service, don't get me started on T-com.....:bawling:

I used spectrum and they were great, spoke english too! My German is pretty good but at times woefully aweful! Gotta take the good days with the bad.

If you need to know where the mivocs are let me know... but I think you know where to get em!

Cheers Stroop
This post is off topic sorry... but as an ex-pat in Germany I can't resist.

The Mivoc drivers get good write ups in the German DIY press too.

This is because Mivoc does 2 page color ads in every issue. the quality of the products is good for the price, but nothing more.

have you looked at the price of a new VW? And, adding insult to injury, "Volkswagen" translates as "Peoples Car".

Yeah I have, and I have looked at the VW prices in america. Unfortunately Germans believe in their products so much, that they pay way too much for them while their friends in the US get them for nothing.

Sorry fo the interruption...
You can all go back to making cool horns and stuff.
Yeah...Fair enough about Mivoc maybe. Haven't heard them myself. Not saying that they are the ducks bits though, just that they may work in this configuration.

I'm not actually German, I do like a lot of the stuff that is made here though. We get taxed to the hilt (as you know!)which is probably PART of the reason things are cheaper in the States not to mention the size of the market and numerous other things I don't know about.

You can choose who you pay for your if need be...

I'll get back on topic now too, sorry...

This concept is bad. Bad for some of my new years resolutions and budget. I am trying to get into the habit of finishing one project before starting another!

Cal, have you tried placing Shadow right in the corner of the room?

Thinking about the bass system for the Calhoun, the same box/horn layout, both drivers on the front, and horizontal, placed against the wall may be worth looking into.

Another option could be two cabs, with the horns mating into the corners of the room.

Nice team effort guys. Good stuff.
Hi Geoff etal,

I have tried forward, backward, corner loaded, facing the corner etcetera. It's just that a couple of 6.5's aint gonna do what Cal needs to do. XBL or no XBL doesn't matter. I am used to big. 6.5 is not big.


I just got back from Creative Sound Solutions with the answers in my truck. Bob is a great guy and holds my hand through these things.

1) A single 15" CSS prototype woofer and beefy plate amp for the Calhouns.

2) Smaller plate amp for the Shadow so I can put the big Bash away.

I have drawn plans for the Foster 10F3's that will accompany the Shadow. If it ever stops raining, I mght get some wood cut. These I can have ready to listen to in about 2-3 hours. They will have a similar appearance to the Shadow.

3) A pair of 12" coaxials for my GF's place at party time. (not related to this thread but fun to talk about anyway)

Hopefully I can have something to show in a few days. I will build the 10F3's first.
Started with this


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This thread is sort of heading two ways. The Calhoun is a great stand alone unit. I prefer a little more bass so I'll be adding a woofer but for many, it wouldn't be necessary.

The Shadow coupled with the 10F3's is also a nice combination but the two set ups are in different leagues.

I really like the overall bang for the buck with the Shadow and (let's call them Cal Jr's). Can't think of a set up I've heard that offers what it does at such a good price point.

The Calhouns were intended for critical listening. The side firing driver was absolutely the right way to go.

Which are you looking at?
Cal Weldon said:
I really like the overall bang for the buck with the Shadow and (let's call them Cal Jr's). Can't think of a set up I've heard that offers what it does at such a good price point.

The Calhouns were intended for critical listening. The side firing driver was absolutely the right way to go.

Which are you looking at?

I already have a pair of CSS 125's that I have been playing with and was looking to continue on in that theme. I'm looking to keep the same sonic signiture for all the speakers in the HT.

My goal is to build the best L C R speakers possible, within a $500 budget for components, for extended listening sessions. They will be used in for HT but it is definitely a 2ndary use. I only have one room for all purposes.

This seems like it might be a good fit. I got all tingly when I stumbled across the thread :)

I like bass as well although I prefer the deep subtle tight kind. I have plans for that part of the equation as I already own a number of vintage 12 inch drivers and have a liking for 12's in a sealed enclosure.

My biggest concern is the wide variety of music I listen to, modern grunge & industrial metal, swing, old school crooners, classic rock, classical overtures, celtic tenors and a lot of blues. It's a tough bill for $500 in components to fill.

My other concern is that the speakers will be straddling a rear projection 61" TV. Not all speakers sound good setup that way.

Conceptually and visually I really like your design and I think it will look stunning decked out in a fancy veneer.
Sounds like the Calhouns should do the trick, with one of your woofers helping out. Got an idea for a woofer I want to try modelling when I get back home (on a laptop in Falmouth at the moment) -using one of those magnesium cone woofers linked to on this thread.

Got another idea as well for continuing the Calhoun theme, albeit with a (major) twist. I'll let you guys know about it properly when I've got it straight in my mind.
binarywhisper said:
I like bass as well although I prefer the deep subtle tight kind.

Me too.

modern grunge & industrial metal [/B]

Not my first choice for those drivers.

Conceptually and visually I really like your design and I think it will look stunning decked out in a fancy veneer. [/B]

I agree. It was the first speaker I've made that aethetics entered into but let's place the credit where it's due. This was Scott and Dave's design, I just helped facilitate it.

I hope I am not telling you something you already know but these are a low fatigue, quality unit, not at all intended for party time. The only drawback I have noticed is that when "that" song comes on and you want to squeeze a little more from them. Ain't gonna happen.
Scottmoose said:
Sounds like the Calhouns should do the trick, with one of your woofers helping out. Got an idea for a woofer I want to try modelling when I get back home (on a laptop in Falmouth at the moment) -using one of those magnesium cone woofers linked to on this thread.

Got another idea as well for continuing the Calhoun theme, albeit with a (major) twist. I'll let you guys know about it properly when I've got it straight in my mind.
I am certainly interested, as I'm sure everyone else is, in any ideas you have in that area. It's not the kind of thing that will make me wish I had waited to hear about it before ordering the components is it?
Cal Weldon said:

I hope I am not telling you something you already know but these are a low fatigue, quality unit, not at all intended for party time. The only drawback I have noticed is that when "that" song comes on and you want to squeeze a little more from them. Ain't gonna happen.

Please feel free to point out anything to me whether I appear to know it or not as I am a master at "appearing" intelligent. I barely know enough to allow me to know how little I know ... you know?

I kinda figured that this might not be the speakers for modern metal but within my budget I have extremely limited options and if I am going to make a trade off that would be the place I choose to make it. I find metal is best listened to in the car anyway where it soothes my car rage issues :)

I'm looking for a design that is well rounded with the emphasis is on extended listening sessions and my instincts tell me this is likely far better then I might have expected in my price range.. I'm really looking forward to this. I believe I'll order the components tomorrow.
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